England(England) | England |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation England EnglishLanguage "England, with Wales, Scotland, and NorthernIreland, is one of the four constituent Nations of the UnitedKingdom.") | Geography.kif 6947-6949 | |
(instance England GeographicArea) | Geography.kif 6946-6946 | England is an instance of geographic area |
(primaryGeopoliticalSubdivision England UnitedKingdom) | Geography.kif 6970-6970 | United kingdom is a primary geopolitical subdivision of England |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(headquartersOfOrganization AstraZeneca England) | Medicine.kif 4805-4805 | The headquarters of AstraZeneca is in England |
(headquartersOfOrganization CosworthCorp England) | Cars.kif 5144-5144 | The headquarters of Cosworth Corporation is in England |
(meetsSpatially Scotland England) | Geography.kif 6952-6952 | Scotland meets England |
(meetsSpatially Wales England) | Geography.kif 6962-6962 | Wales meets England |
(orientation NorthernIreland England Northwest) | Geography.kif 6954-6954 | Northern ireland is northwest to England |
(orientation Scotland England North) | Geography.kif 6951-6951 | Scotland is north to England |
(orientation Wales England West) | Geography.kif 6961-6961 | Wales is west to England |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage England "England") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64872-64872 | Wales is west to England |