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Sigma KEE - EmotionalState
EmotionalState(emotional state)Anglomania, CER, abandon, abashed, abashment, abience, ablaze, abreaction, adience, admiration, adoration, afeard, afeared, affect, affected, affectional, affective, aflame, afraid, aggravated, aghast, agitated, agitation, agog, agonal, agony, alarmed, alienate, amativeness, ambivalence, ambivalency, amorousness, amort, amused, angered, angrily, anguished, annoyed, anticipation, antipathy, anxious, anxiously, appalled, appreciative, appreciativeness, apprehensive, apprehensively, approbation, approval, ardent...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EmotionalState ChineseLanguage "这是表示 Organism 情绪状态 AttributeClass。") chinese_format.kif 4037-4038
(documentation EmotionalState EnglishLanguage "The Class of Attributes that denote emotional states of Organisms.") Merge.kif 18370-18371
(relatedInternalConcept EmotionalState AppraisalAsUndesirableConsequences) emotion.kif 413-413 Emotional state is internally related to appraisal as undesirable consequences
(subclass EmotionalState StateOfMind) Merge.kif 18369-18369 Emotional state is a subclass of state of mind

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Anger EmotionalState) emotion.kif 968-968 Anger is an instance of emotional state
(instance Anxiety EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1177-1177 Anxiety is an instance of emotional state
(instance Boredom EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1158-1158 Boredom is an instance of emotional state
(instance Compassion EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1010-1010 Compassion is an instance of emotional state
(instance Concern EmotionalState) emotion.kif 919-919 Concern is an instance of emotional state
(instance Confusion EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1089-1089 Confusion is an instance of emotional state
(instance Contempt EmotionalState) emotion.kif 725-725 Contempt is an instance of emotional state
(instance Curiosity EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1059-1059 Intrigued is an instance of emotional state
(instance Despair EmotionalState) emotion.kif 938-938 Despair is an instance of emotional state
(instance Disappointment EmotionalState) emotion.kif 948-948 Disappointment is an instance of emotional state
(instance Disgust EmotionalState) emotion.kif 829-829 Disgust is an instance of emotional state
(instance Embarrassment EmotionalState) emotion.kif 979-979 Embarrassment is an instance of emotional state
(instance EmotionalStress EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1182-1182 Stress (emotion) is an instance of emotional state
(instance Expectant EmotionalState) emotion.kif 916-916 Expectant is an instance of emotional state
(instance Fear EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1018-1018 Angst is an instance of emotional state
(instance FeelingDubious EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1916-1916 Dubious is an instance of emotional state
(instance Grief EmotionalState) emotion.kif 988-988 Grief is an instance of emotional state
(instance Guilt EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1079-1079 Guilt is an instance of emotional state
(instance Happiness EmotionalState) emotion.kif 816-816 Happiness is an instance of emotional state
(instance Hate EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1040-1040 Hate is an instance of emotional state
(instance Hope EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1192-1192 Hope is an instance of emotional state
(instance InspirationEmotion EmotionalState) emotion.kif 995-995 Inspiration (emotion) is an instance of emotional state
(instance Interested EmotionalState) emotion.kif 723-723 Interest is an instance of emotional state
(instance Irritation EmotionalState) emotion.kif 928-928 Irritation is an instance of emotional state

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain actionTendency 1 EmotionalState) emotion.kif 156-156 The number 1 argument of action tendency is an instance of emotional state
(domain attitudeForFormula 1 EmotionalState) emotion.kif 2123-2123 The number 1 argument of attitude for formula is an instance of emotional state
(domain attitudeForObject 1 EmotionalState) emotion.kif 2116-2116 The number 1 argument of attitude for object is an instance of emotional state
(domain emotionTendency 2 EmotionalState) emotion.kif 141-141 The number 2 argument of emotion tendency is an instance of emotional state


        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (experiencer ?I ?H)
        (objectTransferred ?I ?MS)
        (instance ?MS MoodStabilizer)
        (instance ?E ?EC)
        (involvedInEvent ?E ?H)
            (WhenFn ?E)
            (attribute ?H ?ES))
        (instance ?ES EmotionalState)
        (instance ?E2 ?EC)
        (involvedInEvent ?E2 ?H)
            (WhenFn ?E2)
            (WhenFn ?I)))
            (holdsDuring ?E2
                (attribute ?H ?ES))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9992-10013


        (instance ?B Blushing)
        (experiencer ?B ?A))
    (exists (?T1 ?T2 ?S1 ?S2)
            (instance ?S1 EmotionalState)
            (instance ?S2 EmotionalState)
                (equal ?S1 ?S2))
            (holdsDuring ?T1
                (attribute ?A ?S1))
            (holdsDuring ?T2
                (attribute ?A ?S2))
                (WhenFn ?B) ?T2)
                (WhenFn ?B) ?T1))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21732-21747
    (instance ?EVU EmotionalVoiceUtterances)
        (exists (?E ?A)
                (instance ?E EmotionalState)
                (attribute ?A ?E)))
        (agent ?EVU ?A)))
emotion.kif 99-106
    (instance ?PR PhysiologicalResponseToEmotionalState)
    (exists (?EP ?A)
            (instance ?EP EmotionalState)
            (experiencer ?EP ?A)
            (experiencer ?PR ?A)
            (causes ?EP ?PR))))
emotion.kif 1371-1378

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