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Sigma KEE - Embryonic
abortus, blastemal, blastematic, blastemic, blastocyst, blastodermic_vessicle, blastosphere, blastospheric, blastula, blastular, conceptus, embryo, embryologic, embryonal, embryonic, fertilized_egg, fetal, fetus, foetal, foetus, gastrula, monster, morula, teras

appearance as argument number 1

(contraryAttribute Embryonic Larval) Merge.kif 18269-18269 Embryonic is the opposite of larval
(documentation Embryonic ChineseLanguage "这是 OrganismAnatomicalStructure 只有在 Organism 出生以前的生命阶段。例如:Mammal 只在出生以前才会有这个 Attribute。") chinese_format.kif 4027-4028 Embryonic is the opposite of larval
(documentation Embryonic EnglishLanguage "The stage of an Organism or an AnatomicalStructure that exists only before the Organism is born. Mammals, for example, have this Attribute only prior to their birth.") Merge.kif 18270-18273 Embryonic is the opposite of larval
(externalImage Embryonic " 2/ 21/ Tubal_Pregnancy_with_embryo.jpg") pictureList.kif 5984-5984 Embryonic is the opposite of larval
(externalImage Embryonic " 2/ 2d/ Wrinkledfrog_embryos.jpg") pictureList.kif 6465-6465 Embryonic is the opposite of larval
(externalImage Embryonic " 7/ 77/ 6_weeks_pregnant.jpg") pictureList.kif 6466-6466 Embryonic is the opposite of larval
(subAttribute Embryonic NonFullyFormed) Merge.kif 18268-18268 Embryonic is a subattribute of non fully formed

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Embryonic "胚胎") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21916-21916
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Embryonic "胚胎") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21915-21915
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Embryonic "embryonic") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21914-21914


        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (attribute ?ORG Embryonic))
        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
        (equal ?BW
            (WhenFn ?BIRTH))
        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?ORG))
        (overlapsTemporally ?TIME ?BW)))
Merge.kif 18282-18288
        (instance ?O Organism)
        (instance ?E Egg)
        (attribute ?O Embryonic)
        (part ?O ?E))
    (exists (?Y)
            (instance ?Y EggYolk)
            (hasPurpose ?Y
                (exists (?I)
                        (instance ?I Ingesting)
                        (agent ?I ?O)
                        (resource ?I ?Y)))))))
Food.kif 2548-2562
    (attribute ?ORG Embryonic)
    (exists (?BODY)
            (instance ?BODY ReproductiveBody)
            (located ?ORG ?BODY))))
Merge.kif 18275-18280

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