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Sigma KEE - EasternFrisianLanguage
EasternFrisianLanguage(eastern frisian language)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EasternFrisianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The EasternFrisianLanguage is a FrisianLanguage of Germany. SIL code: FRS. ISO 639-2: gem. Population: 11,000 (1976 Stephens). Language of the home for 1,500 to 2,000 (1977 SIL). Population total both countries: 11,000. Region: Schleswig-Holstein, Ostfriesland, the area around the towns of Emden and Oldenburg in Lower Saxony, and Saterland, Jeverland, and Butjadingen in 1976. Reported to be used only in Saterland, Eastern Frisia in 1998. Also spoken in USA. Alternate names: OSTFRIESISCH, SATERLANDIC FRISIAN, SEELTERSK FRISIAN. Comments: Not intelligible with Western Frisian of the Netherlands or Northern Frisian (E. Matteson SIL 1978). 77% lexical similarity with Standard German, 74% with Western Frisian. Speakers are mainly the older generation. Investigation needed: bilingual proficiency, attitudes.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 7661-7672
(externalImage EasternFrisianLanguage " commons/ c/ c8/ PSCHADDE.jpg") pictureList.kif 8460-8460
(instance EasternFrisianLanguage FrisianLanguage) Languages.kif 7660-7660 Eastern frisian language is an instance of frisian language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage EasternFrisianLanguage "东弗里斯兰语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20914-20914
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EasternFrisianLanguage "東弗里斯蘭語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20913-20913
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EasternFrisianLanguage "eastern frisian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20912-20912

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