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Sigma KEE - EasternFarsiLanguage
EasternFarsiLanguage(eastern farsi language)

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(documentation EasternFarsiLanguage EnglishLanguage "The EasternFarsiLanguage is a PersianLanguage of Afghanistan. SIL code: PRS. ISO 639-1: fa. ISO 639-2(B): per. ISO 639-2(T): fas. Population: 5,600,000 25% to 50% of population (1996). Population total both countries: 7,000,000. Region: Various Dari dialects in Khorasan Province (Iran), and provinces of Herat, Hazarajat, Balkh, Ghor, Ghazni, Budaksham, Panjsher, and Galcha-Pamir Mountains and Kabul regions. Alternate names: PERSIAN, DARI, PARSI. Dialects: DARI (AFGHAN FARSI, HERATI, TAJIKI, KABOLI, KABULI, KHORASANI), PARSIWAN. Comments: Radio Afghanistan broadcasts are promoting a standardized pronunciation of the literary language which is based on the old dictional tradition of the country, with its archaic phonetic characteristics. Formal style is closer to Tehrani Persian (Farsi), in formal style in some parts of Afghanistan is closer to Tajiki of Tajikistan. Phonological and lexical differences between Iran and Afghanistan cause little difficulty in comprehension. Most Afghan dialects are closer to literary Persian than Iranian dialects are to literary Persian. Zargari (Morghuli) is a secret language used among goldsmiths and perhaps others, based on a dialect of Persian. See also Balkan Romani in Iran. National language. Arabic script. Taught in schools. Radio programs. Sunni and Shi'a Muslim. 70 Jews (1980) speak the same dialect as Muslims. NT 1982-1985. Also spoken in: Pakistan. (Language name: FARSI, EASTERN.) Population: 1,000,000 in Pakistan, plus 1,400 in Madaglasht, and many refugees (1992 SIL). Alternate names: DARI, TAJIK, MADAGLASHTI, BADAKHSHI. Comments: Madaglasht community came from Badakhshan, Afghanistan 200 years ago. Other communities have been in Pakistan for many generations. Muslim. NT 1982-1985.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9244-9267
(instance EasternFarsiLanguage PersianLanguage) Languages.kif 9243-9243 Eastern farsi language is an instance of persian language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage EasternFarsiLanguage "东部波斯语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20908-20908
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EasternFarsiLanguage "東部波斯語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20907-20907
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EasternFarsiLanguage "eastern farsi language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20906-20906

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "fa" EasternFarsiLanguage) Languages.kif 14766-14766 "fa" in ISO-639-1 denotes eastern farsi language

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