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Sigma KEE - EasterSunday
EasterSunday(Easter sunday)Easter, Easter_Day, Easter_Sunday

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EasterSunday EnglishLanguage "An instance of EasterSunday is a ChristianHoliday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Easter is a movable holiday, falling between late March and late April for Western Chrisitanity (Gregorian calendar), and between early April and early May for Eastern Christianity (Julian calendar). Easter is calculated to occur near the Jewish holiday Passover, the date of which is determined according to the Jewish lunar calendar.") Media.kif 487-494
(subclass EasterSunday ChristianHoliday) Media.kif 484-484 Easter sunday is a subclass of Christian holiday
(subclass EasterSunday MoveableHoliday) Media.kif 486-486 Easter sunday is a subclass of moveable holiday
(subclass EasterSunday Sunday) Media.kif 485-485 Easter sunday is a subclass of Sunday

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage EasterSunday "Easter sunday") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64847-64847


        (holdsDuring ?H
            (attribute ?A Christian))
        (instance ?H EasterSunday))
    (observesHoliday ?A ?H))
Media.kif 509-514
        (instance ?D EasterSunday)
        (temporalPart ?D ?M)
        (instance ?M Month))
        (instance ?M March)
        (instance ?M April)
        (instance ?M May)))
Media.kif 498-506
        (instance ?ES EasterSunday)
        (instance ?L Lent)
        (meetsTemporally ?L ?ES)
        (during ?ES ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Year))
    (during ?L ?Y))
Media.kif 437-444
        (instance ?ES EasterSunday)
        (instance ?L Lent)
        (meetsTemporally ?L ?ES)
        (during ?L ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Year))
    (during ?ES ?Y))
Media.kif 446-453
        (instance ?Y Year)
        (instance ?E EasterSunday)
        (instance ?A AscensionThursday)
        (during ?E ?Y)
        (during ?A ?Y)
        (starts ?E ?I)
        (finishes ?A ?I))
    (duration ?I
        (MeasureFn 40 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 538-547
        (instance ?Y Year)
        (instance ?E EasterSunday)
        (instance ?P PalmSunday)
        (during ?E ?Y)
        (during ?P ?Y)
        (starts ?P ?I)
        (finishes ?E ?I))
    (duration ?I
        (MeasureFn 8 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 473-482
        (instance ?Y Year)
        (instance ?E EasterSunday)
        (instance ?P Pentecost)
        (during ?E ?Y)
        (during ?P ?Y)
        (starts ?E ?I)
        (finishes ?P ?I))
    (duration ?I
        (MeasureFn 50 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 559-568
    (instance ?T1 EasterSunday)
    (exists (?T2)
            (instance ?T2 Lent)
            (meetsTemporally ?T2 ?T1))))
Media.kif 430-435


    (instance ?T1 Lent)
    (exists (?T2)
            (instance ?T2 EasterSunday)
            (meetsTemporally ?T1 ?T2))))
Media.kif 423-428

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