EF1(EF1) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation EF1 ChineseLanguage "EFScale(改良藤田级数)EF1 的龙卷风估计三秒阵风风速在 86 到 110mph (138 到 177km/ h)之间。") | Weather.kif 2138-2139 | |
(documentation EF1 EnglishLanguage "The estimated ThreeSecondGustSpeedFn for a Tornado of EFScaleAttribute EF1 ranges between 86 and 110mph (138 and 177km/ h).") | Weather.kif 2136-2137 | |
(instance EF1 EFScaleAttribute) | Weather.kif 2140-2140 | EF1 is an instance of enhanced fuijita scale attribute |
(speedScaleAttributeMinMax EF1 (MeasureFn 86.0 MilesPerHour) (MeasureFn 110.0 MilesPerHour)) |
Weather.kif 2142-2142 | 86.0 Miles per hour(s) and 110.0 miles per hour(s) are the min and max speed of EF1 |
(successorAttribute EF1 EF2) | Weather.kif 2141-2141 | EF1 is an immediate successor attribute of EF2 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(successorAttribute EF0 EF1) | Weather.kif 2133-2133 | EF0 is an immediate successor attribute of EF1 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EF1 "改良藤田1") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 10366-10366 | EF0 is an immediate successor attribute of EF1 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EF1 "EF1") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 10365-10365 | EF0 is an immediate successor attribute of EF1 |