(instance ?X DryRoasting)
(instance ?F Food)
(patient ?X ?F))
(holdsDuring ?X
(exists (?H ?S)
(instance ?H Heating)
(instance ?S Stirring)
(subProcess ?H ?X)
(subProcess ?S ?X)
(WhenFn ?S)
(WhenFn ?H))
(patient ?H ?F)
(patient ?S ?F)
(exists (?O ?W)
(instance ?O Oil)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(patient ?X ?O)
(patient ?X ?W)))))))) |
Food.kif 128-151 |
(instance ?A Americano)
(exists (?P ?W ?E)
(instance ?P Pouring)
(patient ?P ?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn 90 CelsiusDegree))
(destination ?P ?E)
(instance ?E Espresso)
(result ?P ?A)))) |
Food.kif 1310-1320 |
(instance ?C Coffee)
(material DrinkingWater ?C)) |
Food.kif 641-643 |
(instance ?C ColdBrewingCoffee)
(exists (?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(resource ?C ?W)
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn 20 CelsiusDegree))))) |
Food.kif 844-851 |
(instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
(exists (?LM ?W ?CG)
(subProcess ?LM ?CM)
(instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
(patient ?LM ?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(destination ?LM ?CG)
(instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)))) |
Food.kif 664-673 |
(instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
(exists (?R ?LM ?CG ?W ?F ?C)
(subProcess ?R ?CM)
(instance ?R Removing)
(origin ?R ?LM)
(instance ?LM LiquidMixture)
(part ?W ?LM)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(part ?CG ?LM)
(instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
(instrument ?R ?F)
(instance ?F Filter)
(result ?R ?C)
(instance ?C Coffee)))) |
Food.kif 686-701 |
- If a process is an instance of coffee making,
- then there exist another process, an object,, , another object,, , a third object,, , a fourth object and an entity such that the other process is a subprocess of the process and the other process is an instance of removing and the other process originates at the object and the object is an instance of liquid mixture and the third object is a part of the object and the third object is an instance of potable water and the other object is a part of the object and the other object is an instance of coffee grind and the fourth object is an instrument for the other process and the fourth object is an instance of filter and the entity is a result of the other process and the entity is an instance of coffee
(instance ?CM CoffeeMaking)
(exists (?S ?W ?CG)
(subProcess ?S ?CM)
(instance ?S Soaking)
(resource ?S ?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(patient ?S ?CG)
(instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)))) |
Food.kif 675-684 |
(instance ?D Dough)
(exists (?F ?W)
(instance ?F Flour)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(part ?F ?D)
(part ?W ?D)))) |
Food.kif 1609-1616 |
(instance ?E Espresso)
(exists (?W ?V)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(part ?W ?E)
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn ?V Liter))
(approximateValue ?V 0.03)))) |
Food.kif 754-762 |
(instance ?L LongBlack)
(material Espresso ?L)
(material DrinkingWater ?L))) |
Food.kif 1423-1427 |
(instance ?L LongBlack)
(exists (?P ?W ?E)
(instance ?P Pouring)
(patient ?P ?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(attribute ?W HotTemperature)
(destination ?P ?E)
(instance ?E Espresso)
(result ?P ?L)))) |
Food.kif 1429-1439 |
(instance ?S Sorbet)
(material DrinkingWater ?S)) |
Food.kif 3444-3446 |
(instance ?S SparklingWater)
(exists (?P ?W ?CD)
(instance ?P Putting)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(destination ?P ?CD)
(instance ?CD CarbonDioxide)
(result ?P ?S)
(part ?CD ?S)))) |
Food.kif 226-235 |
(instance ?V Vodka)
(exists (?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(part ?W ?V)))) |
Food.kif 3588-3593 |
(instance ?X FrenchPressingCoffee)
(exists (?W)
(instance ?W DrinkingWater)
(resource ?W ?X)
(measure ?W
(MeasureFn 90 CelsiusDegree))))) |
Food.kif 862-869 |