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Sigma KEE - Distilling
distil, distill, extract, make_pure, purify, sublimate

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Distilling EnglishLanguage "Distillation is a means of separating Liquids through differences in their boilingPoints. The device used in distillation is referred to as a still and consists at a minimum of a pot in which the source material is heated, a condenser in which the heated Gas is cooled back to the liquid state, and a receiver in which the concentrated or purified liquid is collected. The equipment may effect separation by one of two main methods. Firstly the vapours given off by the heated mixture may consist of two liquids with significantly different boiling points. Thus, the vapour that is given off is in the vast majority of one or the other liquid, which after condensation and collection effects the separation. The second method (fractional distillation) relies upon a gradient of temperatures existing in the condenser stage of the equipment. Often in this technique, a vertical condenser, or column, is used. By extracting products that are liquid at different heights up the column, it is possible to extract liquids that have different boiling points. (from Wikipedia)") Economy.kif 5698-5713
(externalImage Distilling " 0/ 06/ Alembic_for_distillation.png") pictureList.kif 4658-4658
(subclass Distilling Separating) Economy.kif 5696-5696 Distilling is a subclass of separating

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Distilling "蒸馏") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19972-19972
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Distilling "蒸餾") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19971-19971
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Distilling "distilling") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19970-19970


        (instance ?W Whiskey)
        (instance ?D Distilling)
        (result ?D ?W)
        (resource ?DR ?W)
        (instance ?DR Drinking))
    (exists (?C ?T ?H)
            (instance ?C Cask)
            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
            (hole ?H ?C)
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (partiallyFills ?W ?C))
            (earlier ?D ?T)
            (earlier ?T ?DR))))
Food.kif 3617-3632


    (instance ?B Brandy)
    (exists (?D ?W)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?W Wine)
            (resource ?D ?W)
            (result ?D ?B))))
Food.kif 3638-3645
    (instance ?R Rum)
    (exists (?D ?S)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?S SugarCane)
            (resource ?D ?S)
            (result ?D ?R))))
Food.kif 3339-3346
    (instance ?S Schnapps)
    (exists (?D ?F)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?F Fruit)
            (resource ?D ?F)
            (result ?D ?S))))
Food.kif 3368-3375
    (instance ?T Tequila)
    (exists (?D ?B)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?B BlueAgave)
            (resource ?D ?B)
            (result ?D ?T))))
Food.kif 3495-3502
    (instance ?V Vodka)
    (exists (?D ?CG)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?CG CerealGrain)
            (resource ?D ?CG)
            (result ?D ?V))))
Food.kif 3595-3602
    (instance ?W Whiskey)
    (exists (?D ?CG)
            (instance ?D Distilling)
            (instance ?CG CerealGrain)
            (resource ?D ?CG)
            (result ?D ?W))))
Food.kif 3608-3615

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