DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks(disk drive with removable disks) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks EnglishLanguage "A type of DiskDrive that can have different ComputerDisks installed at different times. Insertion and removal of a disk are simple processes.") | ComputerInput.kif 753-754 | |
(subclass DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks DiskDrive) | ComputerInput.kif 752-752 | Disk drive with removable disks is a subclass of disk drive |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass CartridgeHardDiskDrive DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks) | ComputerInput.kif 757-757 | Cartridge hard disk drive is a subclass of disk drive with removable disks |
(subclass FloppyDiskDrive DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks) | ComputerInput.kif 766-766 | Floppy disk drive is a subclass of disk drive with removable disks |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DiskDriveWithRemovableDisks "disk drive with removable disks") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64819-64819 | Floppy disk drive is a subclass of disk drive with removable disks |