DevelopingCountry(developing country) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation DevelopingCountry EnglishLanguage "DevelopingCountry is a term used by the InternationalMonetaryFund (IMF) for the bottom group in its hierarchy of advanced countries, countries in transition, and developing countries. Generally corresponds to the attribute LessDevelopedCountry used by UnitedNations agencies. Not to be confused with DevelopedCountry.") | Economy.kif 606-611 | |
(instance DevelopingCountry IMFDevelopmentLevel) | Economy.kif 604-604 | Developing country is an instance of IMF development level |
(successorAttribute DevelopingCountry CountryInTransition) | Economy.kif 516-516 | Developing country is an immediate successor attribute of country in transition |
appearance as argument number 2 |
statement |
(cardinality (ExtensionFn DevelopingCountry) 126) |
Economy.kif 613-613 | 126 is a cardinality of the class corresponding to developing country |