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Sigma KEE - Democracy
commonwealth, democracy, democratic, republic

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Democracy EnglishLanguage "Democracy is the attribute of a government whose authority and rule are based in the will of the people governed. The will of the people is usually expressed through Elections, direct or indirect.") Government.kif 298-301
(externalImage Democracy " 4/ 4d/ Freedom_House_world_map_2007.png") pictureList.kif 5954-5954
(externalImage Democracy " 8/ 83/ Democracyindex2.png") pictureList.kif 6363-6363
(externalImage Democracy " 8/ 85/ Freedom_House_Country_Rankings_1972-2005.png") pictureList.kif 6364-6364
(externalImage Democracy " Number_of_nations_1800-2003_scoring_8_or_higher_on_Polity_IV_scale.png") pictureList.kif 6365-6365
(instance Democracy FormOfGovernment) Government.kif 175-175 Democracy is an instance of form of government

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute ConstitutionalDemocraticRepublic Democracy) Government.kif 308-308 Constitutional democratic republic is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute ConstitutionalParliamentaryDemocracy Democracy) Government.kif 307-307 Constitutional parliamentary democracy is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute EmergingDemocracy Democracy) Government.kif 310-310 Emerging democracy is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute FederalDemocraticRepublic Democracy) Government.kif 303-303 Federal democratic republic is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute FederalParliamentaryDemocracy Democracy) Government.kif 306-306 Federal parliamentary democracy is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute MultipartyDemocracy Democracy) Government.kif 309-309 Multiparty democracy is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute ParliamentaryDemocracy Democracy) Government.kif 304-304 Parliamentary democracy is a subattribute of democracy
(subAttribute ParliamentaryDemocraticRepublic Democracy) Government.kif 305-305 Parliamentary democratic republic is a subattribute of democracy
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Democracy "民主") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18995-18995 Parliamentary democratic republic is a subattribute of democracy
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Democracy "民主") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18994-18994 Parliamentary democratic republic is a subattribute of democracy
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Democracy "democracy") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18993-18993 Parliamentary democratic republic is a subattribute of democracy


        (instance ?COUNTRY GeopoliticalArea)
        (governmentType ?COUNTRY Democracy))
    (subProposition VoterCitizenshipRequirement
        (RegionalLawFn ?COUNTRY)))
Government.kif 879-883
        (instance ?COUNTRY Nation)
        (governmentType ?COUNTRY Democracy))
    (exists (?SUFFRAGE)
            (instance ?SUFFRAGE SuffrageLaw)
            (subProposition ?SUFFRAGE
                (RegionalLawFn ?COUNTRY)))))
Government.kif 868-875


        (chiefOfStateType ?AREA ?POSITION)
        (agent ?ELECTION ?AREA)
        (instance ?ELECTION Election)
        (electionForPosition ?ELECTION ?POSITION)
        (instance ?ELECTION PopularElection))
    (governmentType ?AREA Democracy))
Government.kif 1550-1557
    (attribute ?AREA DemocraticSocialism)
    (governmentType ?AREA Democracy))
Economy.kif 824-826

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