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Sigma KEE - DeciduousTree
DeciduousTree(deciduous tree)

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint DeciduousTree EvergreenTree) Geography.kif 6364-6364 Deciduous tree is disjoint from evergreen tree
(documentation DeciduousTree EnglishLanguage "DeciduousTrees shed their PlantLeaf(ves) annually.") Geography.kif 6365-6366 Deciduous tree is disjoint from evergreen tree
(subclass DeciduousTree BotanicalTree) Geography.kif 6363-6363 Deciduous tree is a subclass of botanical tree

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AspenTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6494-6494 Aspen tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass BalsaTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6454-6454 Balsa tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass BeechTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6459-6459 Beech tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass BirchTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6464-6464 Birch tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass BlackCherryTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6469-6469 Black cherry tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass CottonwoodTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6491-6491 Cottonwood tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass MapleTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6478-6478 Maple tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass OkoumeTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6482-6482 Okoume tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass PoplarTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6487-6487 Poplar tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass RedOakTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6497-6497 Red oak tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass SapeleTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6501-6501 Sapele tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass SweetCherryTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6474-6474 Sweet cherry tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass WalnutTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6506-6506 Walnut tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass WhiteOakTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6511-6511 White oak tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(subclass WillowTree DeciduousTree) Geography.kif 6516-6516 Willow tree is a subclass of deciduous tree
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DeciduousTree "deciduous tree") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64770-64770 Willow tree is a subclass of deciduous tree


        (sheddingLeaves ?T ?L)
        (instance ?T DeciduousTree)
        (instance ?L PlantLeaf))
    (exists (?SHED ?S)
            (subclass ?SHED Removing)
            (frequency ?SHED YearDuration)
            (instance ?S ?SHED)
            (origin ?S ?T)
            (patient ?S ?L))))
Geography.kif 6368-6379


        (equal ?W
            (OrganicObjectFn ?S))
        (subclass ?W Hardwood)
        (subclass ?S PlantStem))
        (initialPart ?S DeciduousTree) Likely))
Economy.kif 5399-5406
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Apple))
    (subclass ?P DeciduousTree))
Food.kif 2184-2186

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