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Sigma KEE - DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn EnglishLanguage "A Function that returns an instance of DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn that refers to a particular BodyPart. For example, an amputated leg would be a subAttribute of (DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn Leg)") Merge.kif 18330-18333
(domainSubclass DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn 1 BodyPart) Merge.kif 18328-18328 The number 1 argument of dead or missing body part fn is a subclass of body part
(instance DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn UnaryFunction) Merge.kif 18326-18326 Dead or missing body part fn is an instance of unary function
(range DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn DiseaseOrSyndrome) Merge.kif 18329-18329 The range of dead or missing body part fn is an instance of disease or syndrome
(relatedInternalConcept DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn DeadFn) Merge.kif 18327-18327 Dead or missing body part fn is internally related to Dead fn

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn "dead or missing body part fn") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64771-64771


        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H
                (DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn ?P)))
        (instance ?PI ?P)
        (part ?PI ?H)
        (hasPurpose ?PI ?F))
    (not ?F))
Merge.kif 18335-18343


(equal BrainDead
    (DeadOrMissingBodyPartFn Brain))
Medicine.kif 5176-5176 Brain dead is equal to dead or missing body part fn brain

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