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Sigma KEE - Dead
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asleep, assassinated, bloodless, brain_dead, carcase, carcass, carrion, dead, dead_person, dead_soul, deadness, death, deceased, deceased_person, decedent, defunctness, departed, eternal_rest, eternal_sleep, exanimate, exsanguine, exsanguinous, extinction, inanimate, inanimateness, insentience, late, lifeless, lifelessness, neonatal_death, non-living, nonliving, quietus, rest, slain, sleep, stillborn, stone-dead

appearance as argument number 1

(contraryAttribute Dead Living) Merge.kif 18172-18172 Dead is the opposite of living
(documentation Dead ChineseLanguage "这是指失去生命的 OrganismAttribute。") chinese_format.kif 4016-4016 Dead is the opposite of living
(documentation Dead EnglishLanguage "This Attribute applies to Organisms that are not alive.") Merge.kif 18173-18174 Dead is the opposite of living
(externalImage Dead " Dead_bronze_dove.jpg") pictureList.kif 3063-3063 Dead is the opposite of living
(externalImage Dead " Dead_squirrel.jpg") pictureList.kif 2945-2945 Dead is the opposite of living
(externalImage Dead " Hans_Holbein-_The_Body_of_the_Dead_Christ_in_the_Tomb.JPG") pictureList.kif 3062-3062 Dead is the opposite of living
(externalImage Dead " Ab_bird_022.jpg") pictureList.kif 3064-3064 Dead is the opposite of living
(externalImage Dead " Michelangelo_Caravaggio_052.jpg") pictureList.kif 3061-3061 Dead is the opposite of living
(instance Dead AnimacyAttribute) Merge.kif 18170-18170 Dead is an instance of animacy attribute
(subAttribute Dead Unconscious) Merge.kif 18171-18171 Dead is a subattribute of unconscious

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Dead "死") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18748-18748
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Dead "死") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18747-18747
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Dead "dead") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18746-18746

appearance as argument number 3

(exhaustiveAttribute AnimacyAttribute Living Dead) Merge.kif 18157-18157 Living are all the attributes of animacy attribute


        (holdsDuring ?T
            (desires ?M
                (attribute ?V Dead)))
        (instance ?MURDER Murder)
        (agent ?MURDER ?M)
        (patient ?MURDER ?V)
        (earlier ?T
            (WhenFn ?MURDER)))
    (attribute ?MURDER Premeditated))
Law.kif 480-489


        (instance ?DEATH Death)
        (instance ?ORG Organism)
        (experiencer ?DEATH ?ORG))
    (exists (?REM ?OBJ)
            (result ?DEATH ?REM)
            (instance ?REM OrganicObject)
                    (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                (attribute ?REM Dead))
                        (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                    (part ?OBJ ?REM))
                        (WhenFn ?DEATH))
                    (part ?OBJ ?ORG))))))
Merge.kif 10258-10273
        (instance ?KILL Killing)
        (patient ?KILL ?PATIENT))
                (WhenFn ?KILL))
            (attribute ?PATIENT Living))
                (WhenFn ?KILL))
            (attribute ?PATIENT Dead))))
Merge.kif 12351-12357
        (instance ?X SuicideBombing)
        (agent ?X ?P))
    (believes ?P
                (WhenFn ?X))
            (attribute ?P Dead))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22394-22402
    (holdsDuring ?NOW
        (attribute ?P Widowed))
        (exists (?BEFORE ?SPOUSE)
                (earlier ?BEFORE ?NOW)
                (holdsDuring ?BEFORE
                    (spouse ?SPOUSE ?P))
                (holdsDuring ?NOW
                    (attribute ?SPOUSE Dead))))
            (exists (?OTHER)
                (holdsDuring ?NOW
                    (spouse ?OTHER ?P))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22590-22604
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?P BereavedFather))
    (exists (?BEFORE ?C)
            (earlier ?BEFORE ?T)
            (holdsDuring ?BEFORE
                (father ?P ?C))
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?C Dead)))))
ArabicCulture.kif 760-766
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?P BereavedMother))
    (exists (?BEFORE ?C)
            (earlier ?BEFORE ?T)
            (holdsDuring ?BEFORE
                (mother ?P ?C))
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?C Dead)))))
ArabicCulture.kif 774-780
    (instance ?T Tomb)
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?P)
                (attribute ?P Dead)
                (contains ?T ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7064-7070
    (instance ?X OrganismRemains)
        (WhenFn ?X)
        (attribute ?X Dead)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 41-43
    (instance ?X SuicideBombing)
    (exists (?A)
            (agent ?X ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?X))
                (attribute ?A Dead)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22384-22392

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