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Sigma KEE - DakotaLanguage
DakotaLanguage(dakota language)
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(documentation DakotaLanguage EnglishLanguage "The DakotaLanguage is a DakotaGroupLanguage of the UnitedStates. SIL code: DHG. ISO 639-2: dak. Population: 15,355 speakers in USA including 31 monolinguals (1990 census). Population total both countries: 20,355. Region: Northern Nebraska, southern Minnesota, North and South Dakota, northeastern Montana. Alternate names: SIOUX. Dialects: DAKOTA (DAKHOTA, SANTEE, SANTEE-SISSETON), NAKOTA (NAKODA, YANKTON, YANKTON-YANKTONAIS). Comments: Some children are being raised speaking the language in the northern Plains (1998). Many younger ones prefer English or do not speak the language. Bible 1879. Also spoken in: Canada. (Language name: DAKOTA. Population: 5,000 in Canada (1991 M. Dale Kinkade). Alternate names: SIOUX. Dialects: DAKOTA (SANTEE), NAKOTA (YANKTON). Comments: 83% to 86% lexical similarity with Stoney, 89% to 94% with Assiniboine, 90% to 95% among dialects. All ages in some communities. Vigorous in some communities. In some communities children and young adults may not speak Dakota or may prefer English. Literacy rate in first language: Below 1%. Literacy rate in second language: 50% to 75%. Bible 1879.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 12760-12775
(externalImage DakotaLanguage " 2/ 20/ Funeral_scaffold_of_a_Sioux_chief_0044v.jpg") pictureList.kif 9966-9966
(externalImage DakotaLanguage " 6/ 60/ Sioux01.png") pictureList.kif 10768-10768
(externalImage DakotaLanguage " 9/ 9f/ Siouan_langs.png") pictureList.kif 10772-10772
(externalImage DakotaLanguage " b/ b2/ Sitting_Bull.jpg") pictureList.kif 10769-10769
(externalImage DakotaLanguage " b/ ba/ Horse_racing_of_the_Sioux_indians_0030v.jpg") pictureList.kif 10770-10770
(externalImage DakotaLanguage " c/ c2/ A_Sioux_warrior_0041v.jpg") pictureList.kif 10771-10771
(instance DakotaLanguage DakotaGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 12759-12759 Dakota language is an instance of dakota group language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage DakotaLanguage "达科他语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18424-18424
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage DakotaLanguage "達科他語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18423-18423
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DakotaLanguage "dakota language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18422-18422

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