DVD(DVD) | DVD, videodisc, videodisk |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(diskTypeForDrive DVD DVDDrive) | ComputerInput.kif 781-781 | DVD drive reads or writes DVD |
(documentation DVD EnglishLanguage "An instance of DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) is a disc-shaped DigitalDataStorageDevice similar to a CompactDisc, but with a larger storage capacity.") | Media.kif 1250-1253 | DVD drive reads or writes DVD |
(subclass DVD DigitalDataStorageDevice) | Media.kif 1254-1254 | DVD is a subclass of digital data storage device |
(subclass DVD OpticalDisc) | Media.kif 1255-1255 | DVD is a subclass of optical disc |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(disjoint BluRayDisc DVD) | Media.kif 1190-1190 | Blu ray disc is disjoint from DVD |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DVD "DVD") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64783-64783 | Blu ray disc is disjoint from DVD |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?X DVD) (instance ?READ Decoding) (patient ?READ ?X)) (exists (?LASER) (and (instance ?LASER RadiatingLight) (instrument ?READ ?LASER) (wavelength ?LASER (MeasureFn 650 Nanometer))))) |
Media.kif 1257-1267 |
consequent |