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Sigma KEE - DVD
DVD(DVD)DVD, videodisc, videodisk

appearance as argument number 1

(diskTypeForDrive DVD DVDDrive) ComputerInput.kif 781-781 DVD drive reads or writes DVD
(documentation DVD EnglishLanguage "An instance of DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) is a disc-shaped DigitalDataStorageDevice similar to a CompactDisc, but with a larger storage capacity.") Media.kif 1250-1253 DVD drive reads or writes DVD
(subclass DVD DigitalDataStorageDevice) Media.kif 1254-1254 DVD is a subclass of digital data storage device
(subclass DVD OpticalDisc) Media.kif 1255-1255 DVD is a subclass of optical disc

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint BluRayDisc DVD) Media.kif 1190-1190 Blu ray disc is disjoint from DVD
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DVD "DVD") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64783-64783 Blu ray disc is disjoint from DVD


        (instance ?X DVD)
        (instance ?READ Decoding)
        (patient ?READ ?X))
    (exists (?LASER)
            (instance ?LASER RadiatingLight)
            (instrument ?READ ?LASER)
            (wavelength ?LASER
                (MeasureFn 650 Nanometer)))))
Media.kif 1257-1267


    (instance ?X DVDSystem)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?DVD ?PROC)
                (instance ?DVD DVD)
                (instrument ?PROC ?X)
                (patient ?PROC ?DVD)
                    (exists (?VIDEO ?DVIDEO ?RL)
                            (instance ?VIDEO VideoRecording)
                            (represents ?DVIDEO ?VIDEO)
                            (part ?DVIDEO ?DVD)
                            (instance ?RL RadiatingLight)
                            (subProcess ?RL ?PROC)
                            (instrument ?RL ?X)
                            (patient ?RL ?VIDEO)))
                    (exists (?AUDIO ?DAUDIO ?RS)
                            (instance ?AUDIO AudioRecording)
                            (represents ?DAUDIO ?AUDIO)
                            (part ?DAUDIO ?DVD)
                            (instance ?RS RadiatingSound)
                            (subProcess ?RS ?PROC)
                            (instrument ?RS ?X)
                            (patient ?RS ?AUDIO))))))))
Media.kif 1275-1301

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