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Sigma KEE - Cutting
Cutting(cutting)abscise, anatomise, anatomize, ax, axe, beardless, bite, break_up, bushwhack, center_punch, chatter, chop_off, chopped, clean-shaven, clipped, close-hauled, counter-drill, crosscut, cut, cut_across, cut_down, cut_off, cut_out, cut_up, cutting, dissect, empale, fresh-cut, gash, gastromy, gore, grooving, hand-hewn, hewn, hob, horn, impale, incise, incised, incision, indent, keratotomy, lacerate, laparoscopy, laparotomy, lop_off, mince, mown, nephrotomy, new-mown...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Cutting ChineseLanguage "这是使用尖锐 instrument 所做 Poking Processsubclass。 ") chinese_format.kif 3161-3162
(documentation Cutting EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Poking Processes which involve a sharp instrument.") Merge.kif 12390-12391
(subclass Cutting Poking) Merge.kif 12389-12389 Cutting is a subclass of poking

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Felling Cutting) Economy.kif 5468-5468 Felling is a subclass of cutting
(subclass Slicing Cutting) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22310-22310 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Cutting "切开") chinese_format.kif 1164-1164 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Cutting "cutting") english_format.kif 1545-1545 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Cutting "couper") french_format.kif 842-842 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat Hindi Cutting "kataaii") terms-hindi.txt 374-374 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Cutting "Tagliare") terms-it.txt 377-377 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Cutting "切断") japanese_format.kif 2526-2526 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Cutting "Cortar") portuguese_format.kif 794-794 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat cb Cutting "pagputol") terms-cb.txt 379-379 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat cz Cutting "cutting") terms-cz.txt 413-413 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat ro Cutting "tãiere") relations-ro.kif 863-863 Slicing is a subclass of cutting
(termFormat tg Cutting "pagputol") terms-tg.txt 378-378 Slicing is a subclass of cutting


        (instance ?B Blade)
        (instance ?CUT Cutting)
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (instrument ?CUT ?B)
        (patient ?CUT ?OBJ))
    (meetsSpatially ?B ?OBJ))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22301-22308
        (instance ?SAW Saw)
        (instance ?CUT Cutting)
        (instrument ?CUT ?SAW)
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (patient ?CUT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?MOTION ?DIR1 ?DIR2 ?TIME ?T1 ?T2 ?PART)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?CUT)
            (instance ?PART CuttingDevice)
            (part ?PART ?SAW)
            (meetsSpatially ?PART ?OBJ)
            (patient ?MOTION ?PART)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
                (WhenFn ?MOTION) ?TIME)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T2)
            (instance ?DIR1 DirectionalAttribute)
            (instance ?DIR2 DirectionalAttribute)
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (direction ?MOTION ?DIR1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                        (direction ?MOTION ?DIR2)
                            (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                            (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
                                (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                                (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18408-18442


        (instance ?ACT Surgery)
        (patient ?ACT ?ANIMAL))
    (exists (?SUBACT)
            (instance ?SUBACT Cutting)
            (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
            (patient ?SUBACT ?ANIMAL)
            (subProcess ?SUBACT ?ACT))))
Merge.kif 12305-12314
    (attribute ?X BarberShops)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?HAIR ?HUMAN ?CUT ?STYLIST)
                (instance ?HAIR Hair)
                (part ?HAIR ?HUMAN)
                (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                (instance ?CUT Cutting)
                (patient ?CUT ?HAIR)
                (eventLocated ?CUT ?X)
                (agent ?CUT ?STYLIST)
                (employs ?X ?STYLIST)))))
naics.kif 11934-11946
    (instance ?D Drill)
    (hasPurpose ?D
        (exists (?E ?H)
                (instance ?E Cutting)
                (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                (result ?E ?H)
                (instrument ?E ?D)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18371-18379
    (instance ?F FinishedLumber)
    (exists (?C ?P)
            (instance ?C Cutting)
            (instrument ?C ?P)
            (instance ?P Planer)
            (result ?C ?F))))
Economy.kif 5562-5569
    (instance ?FELL Felling)
    (exists (?C ?F ?T ?S)
            (instance ?C Cutting)
            (patient ?C ?T)
            (instance ?T BotanicalTree)
            (result ?C ?F)
            (instance ?F Falling)
            (patient ?F ?S)
            (instance ?S PlantStem)
            (part ?S ?T))))
Economy.kif 5472-5483
    (instance ?L Lumber)
    (exists (?C ?T)
            (instance ?C Cutting)
            (result ?C ?L)
            (patient ?C ?T)
            (instance ?T Lumber))))
Economy.kif 5523-5530
    (instance ?PLANER Planer)
    (hasPurpose ?PLANER
        (exists (?CUT ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?U ?H1 ?H2)
                (instance ?CUT Cutting)
                (instrument ?CUT ?PLANER)
                (resource ?CUT ?OBJ1)
                (instance ?OBJ1 Object)
                (material ?OBJ1 Wood)
                (result ?CUT ?OBJ2)
                (instance ?OBJ2 Object)
                (material Wood ?OBJ2)
                (attribute ?OBJ2 Flat)
                (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
                (height ?OBJ1
                    (MeasureFn ?H1 ?U))
                (height ?OBJ2
                    (MeasureFn ?H2 ?U))
                (greaterThan ?H1 ?H2)))))
Economy.kif 6017-6036
    (instance ?R RoughSawnLumber)
        (exists (?C ?P)
                (instance ?C Cutting)
                (instrument ?C ?P)
                (instance ?P Planer)
                (patient ?C ?R)))))
Economy.kif 5548-5556
    (instance ?X CuttingDevice)
    (capability Cutting ?X instrument))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22281-22283
    (instance ?X PaperShredder)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?CUT ?PAPER)
                (instance ?CUT Cutting)
                (instrument ?CUT ?X)
                (instance ?PAPER Paper)
                (patient ?CUT ?PAPER)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18448-18456


    (exists (?X ?CUT ?PAPER ?CBO ?INFO)
            (instance ?X PaperShredder)
            (instance ?CUT Cutting)
            (instrument ?CUT ?X)
            (instance ?PAPER Paper)
            (patient ?CUT ?PAPER)
            (located ?CBO ?PAPER)
            (instance ?CBO VisualContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?CBO ?INFO)))
    (exists (?READ)
            (instance ?READ Interpreting)
            (patient ?READ ?INFO)
                (WhenFn ?CUT)
                (WhenFn ?READ)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18460-18477 There exist ?X, ?CUT,, , ?PAPER,, , ?CBO and ?INFO such that ?X is an instance of paper shredder and ?CUT is an instance of cutting and ?X is an instrument for ?CUT and ?PAPER is an instance of paper and ?PAPER is a patient of ?CUT and ?CBO is located at ?PAPER and ?CBO is an instance of visual content bearing object and ?CBO contains information ?INFO decreases likelihood of there exists ?READ such that ?READ is an instance of interpreting and ?INFO is a patient of ?READ and the time of existence of ?CUT happens earlier than the time of existence of ?READ

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