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Sigma KEE - CurrencyCoin
CurrencyCoin(coin)Maundy_money, Susan_B_Anthony_dollar, bawbee, bezant, bezzant, byzant, cartwheel, cent, centime, change, coin, coinage, crown, denier, dollar, double_eagle, doubloon, ducat, eagle, eightpence, farthing, fiat_money, fifty-cent_piece, fivepence, fourpence, groat, guinea, ha'penny, half_crown, half_dollar, half_eagle, halfpenny, louis_d'or, medallion, metal_money, mintage, new_penny, ninepence, obverse, penny, piece_of_eight, quarter, real, reverse, shilling, silver_dollar, sixpence, slug, solidus, sou...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CurrencyCoin EnglishLanguage "Any instance of Currency that is made of Metal.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 3590-3591
(subclass CurrencyCoin Currency) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3589-3589 Coin is a subclass of currency

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AfghanAfghaniCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2907-2907 Afghan afghani coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass BritishPoundCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2909-2909 British pound coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass CanadianDollarCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2911-2911 Canadian dollar coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass EuroCentCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2913-2913 Euro cent coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass EuroDollarCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2915-2915 Euro dollar coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass FrenchFrancCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2917-2917 French franc coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass GermanMarkCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2919-2919 German mark coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass ItalianLiraCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2921-2921 Italian lira coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass JapaneseYenCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2923-2923 Japanese yen coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass TajikSomoniCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2925-2925 Tajik somoni coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass UnitedStatesCentCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2928-2928 United states cent coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass UnitedStatesFiveCentCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2931-2931 United states five cent coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass UnitedStatesQuarterCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2937-2937 United states quarter coin is a subclass of coin
(subclass UnitedStatesTenCentCoin CurrencyCoin) Economy.kif 2934-2934 United states ten cent coin is a subclass of coin
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CurrencyCoin "货币硬币") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18082-18082 United states ten cent coin is a subclass of coin
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CurrencyCoin "貨幣硬幣") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18081-18081 United states ten cent coin is a subclass of coin
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CurrencyCoin "coin") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18080-18080 United states ten cent coin is a subclass of coin

appearance as argument number 3

(partition Currency CurrencyBill CurrencyCoin) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3578-3578 Currency is exhaustively partitioned into currency bill and coin


    (instance ?COIN CurrencyCoin)
    (exists (?METAL)
            (subclass ?METAL Metal)
            (material ?METAL ?COIN))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3593-3598


    (attribute ?M CoinOperated)
    (hasPurpose ?M
        (exists (?C ?FT ?A ?ACT)
                (instance ?C CurrencyCoin)
                (instance ?FT FinancialTransaction)
                (destination ?FT ?M)
                (patient ?FT ?C)
                (origin ?FT ?A)
                (causes ?FT ?ACT)
                (wants ?A ?ACT)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29758-29769

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