Cuisine(cuisine) | cuisine, culinary_art |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Cuisine EnglishLanguage "Cuisine is an attribute applied to classes of PreparedFood to specify that it is typical of a particular region or culture. Note that it cannot be applied to a single Animal or Plant, even if a particular such entity is endemic to a particular region. It captures not just the reality of a particular combination of ingredients, but also the intent of the preparer to conform to a particular style of food and food preparation.") | Dining.kif 1254-1260 | |
(subclass Cuisine RelationalAttribute) | Dining.kif 1253-1253 | Cuisine is a subclass of relational attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (attribute ?X ?Y) (instance ?Y Cuisine)) (instance ?X PreparedFood)) |
Dining.kif 1262-1266 |