CounterClockwise(counter-clockwise) | anticlockwise, contraclockwise, counterclockwise, left-handed, levorotary, levorotatory |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CounterClockwise EnglishLanguage "The opposite direction from which the hands of a modern Clock move when reading the clock.") | Cars.kif 4942-4943 | |
(instance CounterClockwise RotationalAttribute) | Cars.kif 4940-4940 | Counter-clockwise is an instance of rotational attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(contraryAttribute Clockwise CounterClockwise) | Cars.kif 4945-4945 | Clockwise is the opposite of counter-clockwise |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CounterClockwise "counter-clockwise") | Cars.kif 4941-4941 | Clockwise is the opposite of counter-clockwise |