CommissionedOfficerRank(commissioned officer rank) | commissioned_officer, commodore, full_general, general, sublieutenant, wing_commander |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(disjointDecomposition CommissionedOfficerRank FlagOfficerRank FieldGradeOfficerRank CompanyGradeRank) | Military.kif 283-284 | Commissioned officer rank is disjointly decomposed into flag officer rank, field grade officer rank, and company grade rank |
(documentation CommissionedOfficerRank EnglishLanguage "In military organizations, an officer is a member of the service who holds a position of responsibility. Commissioned officers derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position. Commissioned officers are typically the only persons in a military able to exercise command (according to the most technical definition of the word) over a military unit. Non-commissioned officers in positions of authority can be said to have control or charge rather than command per se, although the use of the word command to describe any use of authority is widespread and often official. (from Wikipedia)") | Military.kif 272-282 | Commissioned officer rank is disjointly decomposed into flag officer rank, field grade officer rank, and company grade rank |
(subclass CommissionedOfficerRank MilitaryRank) | Military.kif 271-271 | Commissioned officer rank is a subclass of military rank |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (attribute ?OFFICER ?COR) (instance ?COR CommissionedOfficerRank)) (exists (?MANAGE ?PATIENT) (and (instance ?MANAGE Managing) (agent ?MANAGE ?OFFICER) (patient ?MANAGE ?PATIENT) (or (instance ?PATIENT MilitaryOrganization) (attribute ?PATIENT Soldier))))) |
Military.kif 286-297 |