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Sigma KEE - Colloid
Colloid(colloid)colloid, colloidal_gel, colloidal_solution, colloidal_suspension, dispersed_particles, dispersed_phase, dispersing_medium, dispersing_phase, dispersion_medium, emulsion, gel, silica_gel, silver_protein, sol

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Colloid ChineseLanguage "Colloid 是一种 Mixture,它是由一种极为微小、 按照溫特瓦分級,颗粒 approximateDiameter 介于 0.95 and 977 nanometer 的Insoluble substance 均匀悬浮在另外一种 substance 中。") Mid-level-ontology.kif 21811-21813
(documentation Colloid EnglishLanguage "A Colloid is a Mixture in which microscopically dispersed Insoluble particles, between 0.95 and 977 Nanometers in approximateDiameter on the Wentworth Scale are suspended throughout another Substance.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 21807-21810
(roomTempState Colloid Liquid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31851-31851 roomTempState colloid and liquid
(subclass Colloid Mixture) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21815-21815 Colloid is a subclass of mixture

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Aerosal Colloid) Geography.kif 7543-7543 Aerosal is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Beverage Colloid) Food.kif 390-390 Beverage is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Buttermilk Colloid) Food.kif 3167-3167 Buttermilk is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Emulsion Colloid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21830-21830 Emulsion is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Gel Colloid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21872-21872 Gel is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Jam Colloid) Food.kif 1749-1749 Jam is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Juice Colloid) Food.kif 2595-2595 Juice is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Sauce Colloid) Food.kif 2062-2062 Sauce is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Soda Colloid) Food.kif 3432-3432 Soda is a subclass of colloid
(subclass SolMixture Colloid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21884-21884 Sol mixture is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Vinegar Colloid) Food.kif 3565-3565 Vinegar is a subclass of colloid
(subclass Whey Colloid) Food.kif 3145-3145 Whey is a subclass of colloid
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Colloid "胶体") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15648-15648 Whey is a subclass of colloid
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Colloid "膠體") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15647-15647 Whey is a subclass of colloid
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Colloid "colloid") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15646-15646 Whey is a subclass of colloid


        (instance ?C Colloid)
        (part ?P ?C)
            (attribute ?P Solid)
            (attribute ?P Liquid))
        (instance ?AIR Air)
        (part ?AIR ?C))
    (instance ?C Aerosal))
Geography.kif 7545-7554
        (instance ?C Curdling)
        (patient ?C ?X)
        (instance ?X Colloid))
    (exists (?S ?A)
            (instance ?S Separating)
            (subProcess ?S ?C)
            (patient ?S ?X)
            (result ?S ?A)
            (piece ?A ?X)
            (instance ?A Substance))))
Food.kif 3199-3211
        (instance ?X Colloid)
        (attribute ?X Solid)
        (attribute ?X Fluid)
        (equal ?X ?Y))
    (instance ?Y Gel))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21874-21880
    (instance ?Z Colloid)
    (exists (?P ?S)
            (part ?P ?Z)
            (attribute ?P Insoluble)
            (approximateDiameter ?P
                (MeasureFn ?S Nanometer))
            (greaterThan 977.0 ?S)
            (greaterThan ?S 0.95))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21817-21826


    (instance ?C Curdling)
    (exists (?X)
            (patient ?C ?X)
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                (instance ?X Colloid))
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                    (instance ?X Colloid))))))
Food.kif 3186-3197

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