CoffeeMaking(coffee making) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CoffeeMaking EnglishLanguage "CoffeeMaking is a Class of Coffee brewing methods,usually CoffeeGrind is steeped in hot water, then filtered out, producing the coffee to be served.[Wikipedia].") | Food.kif 652-654 | |
(subclass CoffeeMaking Cooking) | Food.kif 649-649 | Coffee making is a subclass of cooking |
(subclass CoffeeMaking LiquidMotion) | Food.kif 651-651 | Coffee making is a subclass of liquid motion |
(subclass CoffeeMaking Soaking) | Food.kif 650-650 | Coffee making is a subclass of soaking |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass AeropressingCoffee CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 901-901 | Aeropress coffee is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass ColdBrewingCoffee CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 836-836 | Cold brew coffee is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass DrippingCoffee CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 885-885 | Dripping coffee is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass EspressoMaking CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 783-783 | Espresso making is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass FrenchPressingCoffee CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 853-853 | French press coffee is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass MokaPotCoffeeMaking CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 931-931 | Moka pot coffee making is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass SiphoningCoffee CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 923-923 | Siphoning coffee is a subclass of coffee making |
(subclass TurkishCoffeeMaking CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 955-955 | TurkishCoffeeMaking is a subclass of coffee making |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CoffeeMaking "coffee making") | Food.kif 655-655 | TurkishCoffeeMaking is a subclass of coffee making |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domainSubclass optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee 1 CoffeeMaking) | Food.kif 723-723 | The number 1 argument of optimal grind size for making coffee is a subclass of coffee making |
antecedent |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?C ElectricCoffeeMaker) (hasPurpose ?C (exists (?COFFEE ?M) (and (instance ?M CoffeeMaking) (instrument ?M ?C) (result ?M ?COFFEE) (instance ?COFFEE Coffee))))) |
Food.kif 379-387 |