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Sigma KEE - CoffeeBean
CoffeeBean(coffee bean)
coffee, coffee_bean, coffee_berry

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CoffeeBean EnglishLanguage "A CoffeeBean is a seed of the CoffeePlant and the source for coffee.") Economy.kif 4626-4627
(externalImage CoffeeBean " thumb/ c/ c5/ Roasted_coffee_beans.jpg/ 800px-Roasted_coffee_beans.jpg") pictureList.kif 1433-1433
(subclass CoffeeBean FoodFromPlant) Economy.kif 4625-4625 Coffee bean is a subclass of food from plant
(subclass CoffeeBean Seed) Economy.kif 4624-4624 Coffee bean is a subclass of seed

appearance as argument number 2

(initialPart Coffee CoffeeBean) Food.kif 634-634 Every coffee is initially part of a coffee bean
(subclass CoffeeArabica CoffeeBean) Economy.kif 4636-4636 Coffee arabica is a subclass of coffee bean
(subclass CoffeeRobusta CoffeeBean) Economy.kif 4660-4660 Coffee robusta is a subclass of coffee bean
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CoffeeBean "咖啡豆") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15516-15516 Coffee robusta is a subclass of coffee bean
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CoffeeBean "咖啡豆") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15515-15515 Coffee robusta is a subclass of coffee bean
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CoffeeBean "coffee bean") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15514-15514 Coffee robusta is a subclass of coffee bean


        (equal ?B
            (OrganicObjectFn ?P))
        (subclass ?B CoffeeBean)
        (subclass ?P Seed))
    (initialPart ?P CoffeePlant))
Economy.kif 4629-4634
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B AmericanRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 210))
Food.kif 547-552
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B CinnamonRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 196))
Food.kif 509-514
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B CityRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 219))
Food.kif 559-564
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B DarkRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 225)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?T 245)))
Food.kif 571-578
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B FrenchRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 240))
Food.kif 609-614
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B FullyCityRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 225))
Food.kif 585-590
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B ItalianRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 245))
Food.kif 621-626
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B LightRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 196)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?T 205)))
Food.kif 495-502
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B MediumRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 210)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?T 219)))
Food.kif 533-540
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B NewEnglandRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 205))
Food.kif 521-526
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B ViennaRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 230))
Food.kif 597-602
        (instance ?C CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?C ?R))
    (instance ?R CoffeeRoastAttribute))
Food.kif 454-458
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T)
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (instance ?T RealNumber))
        (exists (?R)
                (instance ?R DryRoasting)
                (patient ?R ?B))) Likely))
Food.kif 479-488


    (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
    (exists (?B ?A ?C)
            (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
            (attribute ?B ?A)
            (instance ?A CoffeeRoastAttribute)
            (attribute ?CG ?C)
            (instance ?C CoffeeGrindAttribute))))
Food.kif 1044-1052
    (instance ?CG CoffeeGrind)
    (exists (?G ?CB)
            (instance ?G Grinding)
            (patient ?G ?CB)
            (instance ?CB CoffeeBean)
            (attribute ?CB CookedAttribute)
            (result ?G ?CG))))
Food.kif 1034-1042
    (subclass ?CLASS Coffee)
    (initialPart CoffeeBean ?CLASS))
Food.kif 645-647

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