CoffeaRobusta(coffea robusta) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CoffeaRobusta EnglishLanguage "CoffeaRobusta is a subclass of CoffeePlant, representing about 40% of global production. It is less acidic, more bitter and contained more Caffeine(~2.7%) than CoffeaArabica plant.[Wikipedia]") | Economy.kif 4618-4620 | |
(names CoffeaRobusta "coffea canephora") | Economy.kif 4622-4622 | "coffea canephora" has name coffea robusta |
(subclass CoffeaRobusta CoffeePlant) | Economy.kif 4617-4617 | Coffea robusta is a subclass of coffee plant |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CoffeaRobusta "coffea robusta") | Economy.kif 4621-4621 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?P (PlantFn CoffeeRobusta)) (instance ?P CoffeaRobusta)) |
Economy.kif 4665-4667 |