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Sigma KEE - CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities
CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities(coating engraving heat treating and allied activities)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities.") naics.kif 4499-4502
(subAttribute CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities FabricatedMetalProductManufacturing) naics.kif 4497-4497 Coating engraving heat treating and allied activities is a subattribute of fabricated metal product manufacturing

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute ElectroplatingPlatingPolishingAnodizingAndColoring CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities) naics.kif 4520-4520 Electroplating plating polishing anodizing and coloring is a subattribute of coating engraving heat treating and allied activities
(subAttribute MetalCoatingEngravingExceptJewelryAndSilverwareAndAlliedServicesToManufacturers CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities) naics.kif 4510-4510 Metal coating engraving except jewelry and silverware and allied services to manufacturers is a subattribute of coating engraving heat treating and allied activities
(subAttribute MetalHeatTreating CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities) naics.kif 4504-4504 Metal heat treating is a subattribute of coating engraving heat treating and allied activities
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities "涂层雕刻热处理和相关活动") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15425-15425 Metal heat treating is a subattribute of coating engraving heat treating and allied activities
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities "塗層雕刻熱處理和相關活動") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15424-15424 Metal heat treating is a subattribute of coating engraving heat treating and allied activities
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CoatingEngravingHeatTreatingAndAlliedActivities "coating engraving heat treating and allied activities") domainEnglishFormat.kif 15423-15423 Metal heat treating is a subattribute of coating engraving heat treating and allied activities

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