ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores(clothing and clothing accessories stores) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores. Note that the current definition for this class is incomplete as it leaves out some of the subclasses of this industry type such as luggage that aren't subclasses of clothing and resist a natural grouping.") | naics.kif 7502-7507 | |
(instance ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores IndustryAttribute) | naics.kif 7500-7500 | Clothing and clothing accessories stores is an instance of industry attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG Organization) (attribute ?ORG ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores)) (exists (?EV ?MEM) (and (member ?MEM ?ORG) (agent ?MEM ?EV) (exists (?THING) (and (instance ?EV Selling) (instance ?THING Clothing) (patient ?EV ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 7509-7521 |