ClimateZone(climate zone) | climatic_zone |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ClimateZone EnglishLanguage "&ClimateZone is a subclass of Attribute used by the BinaryPredicate climateTypeInArea to classify a &GeographicArea according to its long-term weather conditions. The subclasses of ClimateZone are based on the Koeppen Climate Classification system. In the Koeppen system, climate zones are distinguished based on temperatures and rainfall.") | Geography.kif 1271-1276 | |
(externalImage ClimateZone " 3/ 32/ World_Koppen_Map.png") | pictureList.kif 2446-2446 | |
(externalImage ClimateZone " b/ b8/ Australia-climate-map_MJC01.png") | pictureList.kif 2554-2554 | |
(subclass ClimateZone Attribute) | Geography.kif 1269-1269 | Climate zone is a subclass of attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domainSubclass climateTypeInArea 2 ClimateZone) | Geography.kif 1246-1246 | The number 2 argument of climate type in area is a subclass of climate zone |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?AREA ?TYPE) (subclass ?TYPE ClimateZone)) (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE)) |
Geography.kif 1263-1267 |