ChemicalSynthesis(chemical synthesis) | anamorphism, association, autophytic, autotrophic, biosynthetic, breathe, build, butylate, carbonate, carbonise, carbonize, carburise, carburize, catabolise, catabolize, chelate, chelation, chemosynthesis, chlorination, cold_fusion, compounded, corrode, eat, exchange, fusion, hydrogenate, iodinating, iodination, iodise, iodize, ligate, nitrate, nuclear_fusion, nuclear_fusion_reaction, nucleosynthesis, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, polymerisation, polymerization, prechlorination, react, rust, solvation, synthesis, synthesise, synthesize, synthetically, thermonuclear_reaction, uncompounded... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ChemicalSynthesis ChineseLanguage "这是当简单反应物组成 CompoundSubstance 的 ChemicalProcess Class。") | chinese_format.kif 3185-3186 | |
(documentation ChemicalSynthesis EnglishLanguage "The Class of ChemicalProcesses in which a CompoundSubstance is formed from simpler reactants.") | Merge.kif 12570-12571 | |
(subclass ChemicalSynthesis ChemicalProcess) | Merge.kif 12568-12568 | Chemical synthesis is a subclass of chemical process |
(subclass ChemicalSynthesis Combining) | Merge.kif 12569-12569 | Chemical synthesis is a subclass of combining |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?ELEMENT1 ElementalSubstance) (instance ?ELEMENT2 ElementalSubstance) (not (equal ?ELEMENT1 ?ELEMENT2)) (instance ?PROCESS ChemicalSynthesis) (resource ?PROCESS ?ELEMENT1) (resource ?PROCESS ?ELEMENT2) (result ?PROCESS ?COMPOUND)) (instance ?COMPOUND CompoundSubstance)) |
Merge.kif 12593-12602 |
consequent |