CatastrophicBloodLoss(catastrophic blood loss) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CatastrophicBloodLoss EnglishLanguage "Loss of 50% or more of the blood volume of a Human.") | Medicine.kif 5947-5947 | |
(instance CatastrophicBloodLoss DiseaseOrSyndrome) | Medicine.kif 5946-5946 | Catastrophic blood loss is an instance of disease or syndrome |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CatastrophicBloodLoss "catastrophic blood loss") | Medicine.kif 5948-5948 |
consequent |
(=> (and (typicalBloodVolume ?M (MeasureFn ?N ?U)) (holdsDuring ?T (bloodVolume ?H (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U))) (instance ?H ?M) (lessThan (MultiplicationFn ?N2 2.0) ?N)) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H CatastrophicBloodLoss))) |
Medicine.kif 5950-5962 |