CatalyticConverter(catalytic converter) | catalytic_converter |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CatalyticConverter EnglishLanguage "A Device that decreases pollution output by creating a secondary Combustion, outside the Engine that burns any Fuel that is in the Exhaust of the primary combustion in the engine. It typically employs rare metals that act as catalysts for the chemical reaction.") | Cars.kif 1715-1718 | |
(subclass CatalyticConverter CombustionChamber) | Cars.kif 1713-1713 | Catalytic converter is a subclass of combustion chamber |
(typicalPart CatalyticConverter AutomobileExhaustSystem) | Cars.kif 1720-1720 | A catalytic converter is typically a part of a exhaust system |
(typicallyContainsPart CatalyticConverter AutomobileExhaustSystem) | Cars.kif 1721-1721 | A exhaust system typically has a part catalytic converter |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CatalyticConverter "catalytic converter") | Cars.kif 1714-1714 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?E Exhaust) (material Fuel ?E) (instance ?T Transfer) (instance ?ENG Engine) (origin ?T ?ENG) (instance ?CC CatalyticConverter) (destination ?T ?CC) (objectTransferred ?T ?E)) (hasPurpose ?CC (exists (?C) (and (instance ?C Combustion) (instrument ?C ?CC) (patient ?C ?E) (eventLocated ?C ?CC))))) |
Cars.kif 1723-1739 |