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Sigma KEE - BuildingLevel
BuildingLevel(building level)
first_floor, floor, ground_floor, ground_level, level, storey, story

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BuildingLevel EnglishLanguage "The story or level of a building, e.g. the Basement, the Attic, the ground level, the fourteenth floor, etc.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 15614-15615
(externalImage BuildingLevel " 6/ 6a/ Savassibuilding.jpg") pictureList.kif 8397-8397
(externalImage BuildingLevel " a/ a4/ Exec_bldg.JPG") pictureList.kif 9010-9010
(externalImage BuildingLevel " e/ e8/ Bank_of_china_night.jpg") pictureList.kif 9011-9011
(externalImage BuildingLevel " ed/ Ssld.jpg") pictureList.kif 9012-9012
(subclass BuildingLevel StationaryArtifact) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15613-15613 Building level is a subclass of stationary artifact

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Basement BuildingLevel) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15624-15624 Basement is a subclass of building level
(termFormat ChineseLanguage BuildingLevel "建设水平") domainEnglishFormat.kif 12273-12273 Basement is a subclass of building level
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage BuildingLevel "建設水平") domainEnglishFormat.kif 12272-12272 Basement is a subclass of building level
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BuildingLevel "building level") domainEnglishFormat.kif 12271-12271 Basement is a subclass of building level


        (instance ?LEVEL1 BuildingLevel)
        (instance ?LEVEL2 BuildingLevel)
        (instance ?BUILDING Building)
        (part ?LEVEL1 ?BUILDING)
        (part ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING))
    (exists (?STEPS)
            (instance ?STEPS Steps)
            (connects ?STEPS ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15315-15325
    (instance ?LEVEL BuildingLevel)
    (exists (?BUILDING)
            (instance ?BUILDING Building)
            (part ?LEVEL ?BUILDING))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15617-15622


        (attribute ?X ?Y)
        (instance ?Y HotelLevelAttribute))
        (instance ?X BuildingLevel)
        (exists (?BLDG)
                (instance ?BLDG HotelBuilding)
                (part ?X ?BLDG)))))
Hotel.kif 1207-1216
        (instance ?S Stairway)
        (part ?S ?B)
        (instance ?B Building))
    (hasPurpose ?S
        (exists (?L1 ?L2)
                (instance ?L1 BuildingLevel)
                (instance ?L2 BuildingLevel)
                (part ?L1 ?B)
                (part ?L2 ?B)
                (connects ?S ?L1 ?L2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15291-15303
        (unitNumber ?UNITSTR ?PLACE)
        (floorCode ?FLRCODE ?PLACE))
    (exists (?UNIT ?FLOOR)
            (instance ?FLOOR BuildingLevel)
            (instance ?UNIT Room)
            (located ?UNIT ?FLOOR)
            (part ?FLOOR ?PLACE)
            (names ?UNITSTR ?UNIT)
            (names ?FLRCODE ?FLOOR))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24920-24931
    (instance ?BASEMENT Basement)
        (exists (?LEVEL ?BUILDING)
                (instance ?LEVEL BuildingLevel)
                (instance ?BUILDING Building)
                (part ?LEVEL ?BUILDING)
                (part ?BASEMENT ?BUILDING)
                    (equal ?LEVEL ?BASEMENT))
                (orientation ?LEVEL ?BASEMENT Below)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15629-15638
    (instance ?E Elevator)
    (hasPurpose ?E
        (exists (?T ?L1 ?L2 ?B)
                (instance ?T Transportation)
                (origin ?T ?L1)
                (instance ?L1 BuildingLevel)
                (destination ?T ?L2)
                (instance ?L2 BuildingLevel)
                    (equal ?L1 ?L2))
                (part ?L1 ?B)
                (part ?L2 ?B)
                (instance ?B Building)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15645-15658
    (instance ?X HighRise)
    (exists (?LEVELS ?NUM)
            (instance ?LEVELS Collection)
            (forall (?FLR)
                        (instance ?FLR BuildingLevel)
                        (part ?FLR ?X))
                    (member ?FLR ?LEVELS)))
            (memberCount ?LEVELS ?NUM)
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUM 10))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26772-26784
    (numberOfFloors ?BLDG ?NUM)
    (exists (?FLOORS)
            (forall (?X)
                        (instance ?X BuildingLevel)
                        (part ?X ?BLDG))
                    (member ?X ?FLOORS)))
            (memberCount ?FLOORS ?NUM))))
Hotel.kif 705-715
    (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Downstairs)
    (exists (?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING)
            (instance ?LEVEL1 BuildingLevel)
            (instance ?LEVEL2 BuildingLevel)
            (instance ?BUILDING Building)
            (part ?LEVEL1 ?BUILDING)
            (part ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING)
            (located ?OBJ1 ?LEVEL1)
            (located ?OBJ2 ?LEVEL2)
            (orientation ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2 Below))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19495-19506
    (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Upstairs)
    (exists (?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING)
            (instance ?LEVEL1 BuildingLevel)
            (instance ?LEVEL2 BuildingLevel)
            (instance ?BUILDING Building)
            (part ?LEVEL1 ?BUILDING)
            (part ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING)
            (located ?OBJ1 ?LEVEL1)
            (located ?OBJ2 ?LEVEL2)
            (orientation ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2 Above))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19478-19489

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