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Sigma KEE - BritishSeagullCorp
BritishSeagullCorp(British Seagull corp)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BritishSeagullCorp EnglishLanguage "British Seagull was a British manufacturer of two-stroke outboard engines from the early 1930s until the mid 1990s. The company went out of business due to the motor design not being able to keep up with more modern boat engines and increasingly tight emissions regulations. British Seagull no longer produces new engines but still operates for parts.") Cars.kif 4714-4718
(headquartersOfOrganization BritishSeagullCorp UnitedKingdom) Cars.kif 4713-4713 The headquarters of British Seagull corp is in united kingdom
(instance BritishSeagullCorp Corporation) Cars.kif 4711-4711 British Seagull corp is an instance of corporation

appearance as argument number 2

(manufacturer SeagullOutboard BritishSeagullCorp) Cars.kif 4723-4723 The maker of Seagull outboard is British Seagull corp
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BritishSeagullCorp "British Seagull corp") Cars.kif 4712-4712 The maker of Seagull outboard is British Seagull corp

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