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Sigma KEE - BreadOrBiscuit
BreadOrBiscuit(bread or biscuit)Boston_brown_bread, Brussels_biscuit, English_muffin, French_bread, French_fritter, French_loaf, Host, Irish_soda_bread, Italian_bread, Jewish_rye, Jewish_rye_bread, Melba_toast, Parker_House_roll, Scotch_pancake, Shawnee_cake, Swedish_rye, Swedish_rye_bread, Vienna_roll, Yorkshire_pudding, anadama_bread, apple_fritter, ash_cake, ashcake, baguet, baguette, baking-powder_biscuit, banana_bread, bannock, bap, barmbrack, batter_bread, bear_claw, bear_paw, beignet, bialy, bialystoker, biscuit, black_bread, bran_muffin, brandysnap, bread, bread-stick, breadstick, breadstuff, brioche, brown_bread, bun, buttermilk_biscuit, caramel_bun, caraway_seed_bread...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BreadOrBiscuit EnglishLanguage "Food that consists largely of WheatFlour and water. Note that this class covers crackers, cookies, as well as any self-connected instance of bread, whether it is a loaf, a slice, a chunk of bread, etc.") Food.kif 1557-1560
(subclass BreadOrBiscuit PreparedFood) Food.kif 1555-1555 Bread or biscuit is a subclass of prepared food

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Bagel BreadOrBiscuit) Food.kif 2143-2143 Bagel is a subclass of bread or biscuit
(subclass Pancake BreadOrBiscuit) Food.kif 2715-2715 Pancake is a subclass of bread or biscuit
(termFormat ChineseLanguage BreadOrBiscuit "面包或饼干") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11895-11895 Pancake is a subclass of bread or biscuit
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage BreadOrBiscuit "麵包或餅乾") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11894-11894 Pancake is a subclass of bread or biscuit
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BreadOrBiscuit "bread or biscuit") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11893-11893 Pancake is a subclass of bread or biscuit
(typicalPart WheatFlour BreadOrBiscuit) Food.kif 1556-1556 A wheat flour is typically a part of a bread or biscuit


        (instance ?M Meal)
        (member ?H ?M)
            (instance ?H Coffee)
            (instance ?H Tea))
        (member ?J ?M)
        (instance ?J Juice)
        (member ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B BreadOrBiscuit)
        (member ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B Butter)
        (member ?JA ?M)
        (instance ?JA Jam))
    (attribute ?M ContinentalBreakfast))
Food.kif 1731-1746
    (instance ?B BreadOrBiscuit)
    (exists (?D ?BAKE)
            (instance ?D Dough)
            (instance ?BAKE Baking)
            (resource ?BAKE ?D)
            (result ?BAKE ?B))))
Food.kif 1566-1573
    (instance ?X BreadOrBiscuit)
    (attribute ?X CookedAttribute))
Food.kif 1562-1564


    (instance ?S Sandwich)
    (exists (?B1 ?B2 ?F)
            (instance ?B1 BreadOrBiscuit)
            (instance ?B2 BreadOrBiscuit)
            (instance ?F
                (FoodForFn Human))
            (between ?B1 ?F ?B2)
                (equal ?B1 ?B2))
                (equal ?B1 ?F))
                (equal ?B2 ?F))
            (part ?B1 ?S)
            (part ?B2 ?S)
            (part ?F ?S))))
Food.kif 1584-1597

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