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Sigma KEE - BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage
BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage(bay islands creole english language)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage EnglishLanguage "The BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage is a WesternAtlanticEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage of Honduras. SIL code: BYH. ISO 639-2: cpe. Population: 13,000 first language speakers, including 10,000 on the Bay Islands, and 3,000 on the north coast (1998 estimate). Region: Bay Islands (Guanaja, Roatan, Utila), north coast including La Ceiba and Puerto Cortes, and some in the Mosquitia. Dialects: CALABASH BIGHT. Comments: Ross Graham says creole influence is wider than has been reported and still needs to be addressed (1996). They understand at least some of San Andres Creole (Colombia). They may not understand Limon Creole (Costa Rica), and they say Jamaican is different. A 'stronger dialect' in Calabash Bight needs investigation. The variety on the north coast is reported to be a creole. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Calabash Bight, North Coast, San Andres, Limon, Belize.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 1910-1923
(instance BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage WesternAtlanticEnglishBasedCreoleLanguage) Languages.kif 1909-1909 Bay islands creole english language is an instance of western atlantic english based creole language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage "湾岛克里奥尔语英语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10262-10262
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage "灣島克里奧爾語英語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10261-10261
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BayIslandsCreoleEnglishLanguage "bay islands creole english language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10260-10260

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