Battalion(battalion) | battalion |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(commandRankOfEchelon Battalion USMilitaryRankO5) | Military.kif 734-734 | US military rank o5 is a command rank of echelon of battalion |
(documentation Battalion EnglishLanguage "In military terminology, a battalion consists of two to six companies typically commanded by a lieutenant colonel. The nomenclature varies by nationality and by branch of arms, e.g. some armies organize their infantry into battalions, but call battalion-sized cavalry, reconnaissance, or tank units a squadron or a regiment instead. There may even be subtle distinctions within a nation's branches of arms, such a distinction between a tank battalion and an armored squadron, depending on how the unit's operational role is perceived to fit into the army's historical organization. A battalion is potentially the smallest military unit capable of independent operations (i.e. not attached to a higher command), but is usually part of a regiment or a brigade or both, depending on the organizational model used by that service. Battalions are ordinarily homogeneous with respect to type (e.g. an infantry battalion or a tank battalion), although there are occasional exceptions. (from Wikipedia)") | Military.kif 717-731 | US military rank o5 is a command rank of echelon of battalion |
(externalImage Battalion " 4/ 4d/ Battalion_march.jpg") | pictureList.kif 4541-4541 | US military rank o5 is a command rank of echelon of battalion |
(subEchelon Battalion CompanyMilitary) | Military.kif 733-733 | Company- military is a sub echelon of battalion |
(subclass Battalion MilitaryUnit) | Military.kif 732-732 | Battalion is a subclass of military unit |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subEchelon Brigade Battalion) | Military.kif 715-715 | Battalion is a sub echelon of brigade |
(subclass AssaultAmphibianBatallion Battalion) | MilitaryPersons.kif 650-650 | Assault amphibian batallion is a subclass of battalion |
(subclass LARBattalion Battalion) | MilitaryPersons.kif 539-539 | LAR battalion is a subclass of battalion |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Battalion "营") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 10214-10214 | LAR battalion is a subclass of battalion |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Battalion "營") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 10213-10213 | LAR battalion is a subclass of battalion |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Battalion "battalion") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 10212-10212 | LAR battalion is a subclass of battalion |