BallJoint(ball joint) | ball-and-socket_joint |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation BallJoint EnglishLanguage "A ball joint allows for travel of two linked entities, where if one entity is fixed, the other can travel on paths that describe a portion of the surface of a sphere. A typical application is a linkage between the Wheels and AutoSuspensionSystem. A spring is typically included in order to reduce vibration.") | Cars.kif 1367-1370 | |
(externalImage BallJoint " 0/ 0f/ Ball_joint_cross_section.jpg/ 220px-Ball_joint_cross_section.jpg") | Cars.kif 1365-1365 | |
(subclass BallJoint MechanicalJoint) | Cars.kif 1364-1364 | Ball joint is a subclass of mechanical joint |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BallJoint "ball joint") | Cars.kif 1371-1371 | |
(typicallyContainsPart Spring BallJoint) | Cars.kif 1372-1372 | A ball joint typically has a part spring |