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Sigma KEE - AstronomicalBody
AstronomicalBody(astronomical body)
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Alpha_Geminorum, Andromeda, Antlia, Apollo_asteroid, Apus, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries, Auriga, Big_Dipper, Bootes, Caelum, Cancer, Canis_Major, Canis_Minor, Capricorn, Capricornus, Carina, Cassiopeia, Castor, Centaur, Centaurus, Cepheus, Ceres, Cetus, Chamaeleon, Chameleon, Charioteer, Charles's_Wain, Chiron, Circinus, Columba, Coma_Berenices, Copernican, Corona_Borealis, Corvus, Crab_Nebula, Crane, Crater, Crow, Crux, Crux_Australis, Cygnus, Delphinus, Dipper, Dorado, Dove, Draco, Dragon...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint AstronomicalBody GeographicArea) Merge.kif 14069-14069 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(documentation AstronomicalBody ChineseLanguage "这是所有有显著大小天文物体的 Class。它包括 SelfConnectedObject 如:星球、星斗和小行星,与 Collection 如:星云、星系和星座。注:地球是一个 AstronomicalBody,但是地球的每一个 Region 都是一处 GeographicArea。") chinese_format.kif 1432-1434 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(documentation AstronomicalBody EnglishLanguage "The Class of all astronomical objects of significant size. It includes SelfConnectedObjects like planets, stars, and asteroids, as well as Collections like nebulae, galaxies, and constellations. Note that the planet Earth is an AstronomicalBody, but every Region of Earth is a GeographicArea.") Merge.kif 14070-14075 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(externalImage AstronomicalBody " 0/ 00/ Crab_Nebula.jpg") pictureList.kif 8353-8353 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(externalImage AstronomicalBody " 1/ 17/ Grav.lens1.arp.750pix.jpg") pictureList.kif 8918-8918 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(externalImage AstronomicalBody " 5/ 54/ Ant_Nebula.jpg") pictureList.kif 8919-8919 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(externalImage AstronomicalBody " 6/ 66/ Uvsun_trace_big.jpg") pictureList.kif 8920-8920 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(externalImage AstronomicalBody " 7/ 7a/ Galileo_moon_phases.jpg") pictureList.kif 8921-8921 Astronomical body is disjoint from geographic area
(subclass AstronomicalBody Object) Merge.kif 14068-14068 Astronomical body is a subclass of object

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Meteoroid AstronomicalBody) Geography.kif 3436-3436 Meteoroid is a subclass of astronomical body
(subclass NaturalSatellite AstronomicalBody) Geography.kif 3387-3387 Natural satellite is a subclass of astronomical body
(subclass Satellite AstronomicalBody) Geography.kif 3366-3366 Satellite is a subclass of astronomical body
(subclass Star AstronomicalBody) Geography.kif 3350-3350 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AstronomicalBody "天文体") chinese_format.kif 947-947 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AstronomicalBody "astronomical body") english_format.kif 1101-1101 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat FrenchLanguage AstronomicalBody "corps astronomique") french_format.kif 623-623 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat Hindi AstronomicalBody "khagoliya kshetra") terms-hindi.txt 154-154 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat ItalianLanguage AstronomicalBody "CorpoCeleste") terms-it.txt 157-157 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage AstronomicalBody "天体") japanese_format.kif 2308-2308 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage AstronomicalBody "Corpo Astronomico") portuguese_format.kif 575-575 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat cz AstronomicalBody "astronomical body") terms-cz.txt 191-191 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat ro AstronomicalBody "corp ceresc") relations-ro.kif 644-644 Star is a subclass of astronomical body
(termFormat tg AstronomicalBody "bagay ng makalangit") terms-tg.txt 158-158 Star is a subclass of astronomical body

appearance as argument number 3

(domain orbits 2 AstronomicalBody) Geography.kif 3374-3374 The number 2 argument of orbits is an instance of astronomical body


    (instance ?AIR Atmosphere)
    (exists (?BODY)
            (instance ?BODY AstronomicalBody)
            (meetsSpatially ?AIR ?BODY))))
Weather.kif 22-27
    (instance ?SAT Satellite)
    (exists (?BODY)
            (instance ?BODY AstronomicalBody)
            (orbits ?SAT ?BODY))))
Geography.kif 3379-3384

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