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Sigma KEE - ArtificialLanguage
ArtificialLanguage(artificial language)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ArtificialLanguage ChineseLanguage "这是由 Human 所设计的 Languagesubclass。") chinese_format.kif 1662-1663
(documentation ArtificialLanguage EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Languages that are designed by Humans.") Merge.kif 1431-1432
(documentation ArtificialLanguage JapaneseLanguage "Human が設計した Languagesubclass。") japanese_format.kif 251-252
(documentation ArtificialLanguage SpanishLanguage "La subclass de Languages que son diseñados por Humans.") spanish_format.kif 296-297
(subclass ArtificialLanguage Language) Merge.kif 1429-1429 Artificial language is a subclass of language

appearance as argument number 2

(instance EsperantoLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Languages.kif 1370-1370 Esperanto language is an instance of artificial language
(instance EuropantoLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Languages.kif 1386-1386 Europanto language is an instance of artificial language
(instance IdoLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Languages.kif 14624-14624 Ido language is an instance of artificial language
(instance InterlinguaLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Languages.kif 1393-1393 Interlingua language is an instance of artificial language
(instance InterlingueLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Languages.kif 14627-14627 Interlingue language is an instance of artificial language
(instance VolapukLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Languages.kif 14693-14693 Volapuk language is an instance of artificial language
(subclass ComputerLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Merge.kif 1434-1434 Computer language is a subclass of artificial language
(subclass ConstructedLanguage ArtificialLanguage) Merge.kif 1461-1461 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ArtificialLanguage "人造语言") chinese_format.kif 841-841 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArtificialLanguage "artificial language") english_format.kif 884-884 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat FrenchLanguage ArtificialLanguage "language artificiel") french_format.kif 517-517 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat Hindi ArtificialLanguage "kQtrima bhaashaa") terms-hindi.txt 48-48 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat ItalianLanguage ArtificialLanguage "LinguagioArtificiale") terms-it.txt 51-51 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage ArtificialLanguage "人工言語") japanese_format.kif 2202-2202 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage ArtificialLanguage "Linguagem Artificial") portuguese_format.kif 469-469 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat cb ArtificialLanguage "pekeng pinulongan") terms-cb.txt 53-53 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat cz ArtificialLanguage "artificial language") terms-cz.txt 84-84 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat ro ArtificialLanguage "limbaj artificial") relations-ro.kif 538-538 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language
(termFormat tg ArtificialLanguage "wikang hindi tunay") terms-tg.txt 52-52 Constructed language is a subclass of artificial language

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