AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals(appraisal as not congruent with ideals) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals EnglishLanguage "An appraisal that represents a judgement that an event is inconsistent with a person's standards or ideals.") | emotion.kif 476-478 | |
(instance AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals AppraisalOfCongruenceWithIdeals) | emotion.kif 473-473 | Appraisal as not congruent with ideals is an instance of appraisal of congruence with ideals |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals "appraisal as not congruent with ideals") | emotion.kif 474-475 | |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals "this is against my ideals") | emotion.kif 479-480 | utterance english language, appraisal as not congruent with ideals and "this is against my ideals" |
appearance as argument number 3 |