AppraisalAsDeliberate(appraisal as deliberate) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AppraisalAsDeliberate EnglishLanguage "An appraisal that represents an evaluation that an event was deliberately (intentionally) caused.") | emotion.kif 684-686 | |
(instance AppraisalAsDeliberate AppraisalOfCausalIntent) | emotion.kif 687-687 | Appraisal as deliberate is an instance of appraisal of causal intent |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDeliberate "appraisal as deliberate") | emotion.kif 681-681 | |
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDeliberate "this is being deliberately caused") | emotion.kif 682-683 | utterance english language, appraisal as deliberate and "this is being deliberately caused" |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(exhaustiveAttribute AppraisalOfCausalIntent AppraisalAsUnintended AppraisalAsDeliberate) | emotion.kif 671-672 | Appraisal as unintended are all the attributes of appraisal of causal intent |