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Sigma KEE - AnimalLanguage
AnimalLanguage(animal language)animal_communication, bell-like_call, birdcall, birdsong, call, song, two-note_call

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AnimalLanguage ChineseLanguage "这是除了 Human 以外 Animal 所用的 Languagesubclass。") chinese_format.kif 1660-1661
(documentation AnimalLanguage EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Languages used by Animals other than Humans.") Merge.kif 1417-1418
(documentation AnimalLanguage JapaneseLanguage "Human 以外の Animal が使用する Languagesubclass。") japanese_format.kif 249-250
(documentation AnimalLanguage SpanishLanguage "La subclass de Languages usada por Animals además de Humans.") spanish_format.kif 294-295
(subclass AnimalLanguage Language) Merge.kif 1415-1415 Animal language is a subclass of language

appearance as argument number 2

(disjointDecomposition Language AnimalLanguage HumanLanguage ComputerLanguage) Merge.kif 1406-1406 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AnimalLanguage "兽语") chinese_format.kif 840-840 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AnimalLanguage "animal language") english_format.kif 882-882 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat FrenchLanguage AnimalLanguage "langage animal") french_format.kif 516-516 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat Hindi AnimalLanguage "pashubhaashaa") terms-hindi.txt 47-47 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat ItalianLanguage AnimalLanguage "LinguaggioAnimale") terms-it.txt 50-50 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage AnimalLanguage "動物言語") japanese_format.kif 2201-2201 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage AnimalLanguage "Linguagem Animal") portuguese_format.kif 468-468 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat cb AnimalLanguage "hayup pinulongan") terms-cb.txt 52-52 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat cz AnimalLanguage "animal language") terms-cz.txt 83-83 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat ro AnimalLanguage "limbaj animal") relations-ro.kif 537-537 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language
(termFormat tg AnimalLanguage "wika sa hayop") terms-tg.txt 51-51 Language is disjointly decomposed into animal language, human language, and computer language


        (instance ?LANG AnimalLanguage)
        (agent ?PROC ?AGENT)
        (instrument ?PROC ?LANG))
        (instance ?AGENT Animal)
            (instance ?AGENT Human))))
Merge.kif 1420-1427

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