Animal(animal) | Animalia, Insessores, Mantophasmatodea, Mecoptera, abranchial, abranchiate, abranchious, acaudal, acaudate, acrodont, all-devouring, ametabolic, ametabolous, anguine, animal, animal_kingdom, animal_order, animate, animate_being, anthophagous, anthophilous, anurous, arenicolous, armored, armoured, autoecious, axenic, baccivorous, beakless, beast, beast_of_burden, big_game, biped, bipedal, bobtail, bobtailed, body, bone-covered, bottom-feeder, branchiate, broken, broken_in, brute, by-catch, bycatch, captive, carnivore, carpophagous, caudate, caudated... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Animal ChineseLanguage "这是一种有真核 Cell 的 Organism。 它们没有硬的细胞壁、 质体和光合色素。") | chinese_format.kif 3392-3393 | |
(documentation Animal EnglishLanguage "An Organism with eukaryotic Cells, and lacking stiff cell walls, plastids, and photosynthetic pigments.") | Merge.kif 14494-14495 | |
(partition Animal Vertebrate Invertebrate) | Merge.kif 14493-14493 | Animal is exhaustively partitioned into vertebrate and invertebrate |
(subclass Animal Organism) | Merge.kif 14492-14492 | Animal is a subclass of organism |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain birthplace 1 Animal) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24541-24541 | The number 1 argument of birthplace is an instance of animal |
(domain burialplace 1 Animal) | Biography.kif 204-204 | The number 1 argument of burialplace is an instance of animal |
(domain deathplace 1 Animal) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24585-24585 | The number 1 argument of deathplace is an instance of animal |
(domain detainee 2 Animal) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 7003-7003 | The number 2 argument of detainee is an instance of animal |
(domain grasps 1 Animal) | Merge.kif 11542-11542 | The number 1 argument of grasps is an instance of animal |
(domain wears 1 Animal) | Merge.kif 15996-15996 | The number 1 argument of wears is an instance of animal |
(domainSubclass meatOfAnimal 2 Animal) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 20612-20612 | The number 2 argument of meat of animal is a subclass of animal |
antecedent |
consequent |
statement |