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Sigma KEE - Ambulating
canter, crawl, creep, formicate, gallop, pace, prance, scramble, sway, swing

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Ambulating ChineseLanguage "这是 Animal 为了从一点移动到另一点用脚完成的任何 BodyMotion。") chinese_format.kif 3006-3007
(documentation Ambulating EnglishLanguage "Any BodyMotion which is accomplished by means of the legs of an Animal for the purpose of moving from one point to another.") Merge.kif 11191-11193
(documentation Ambulating JapaneseLanguage "ある所から別の所に移動する目的で Animal の脚に よって達成される任意の BodyMotion。") japanese_format.kif 1769-1770
(externalImage Ambulating " thumb/ 1/ 1e/ 2005_World_Championships_in_Athletics_4.jpg.JPG/ 180px-2005_World_Championships_in_Athletics_4.jpg.JPG") pictureList.kif 1026-1026
(partition Ambulating Walking Running) Merge.kif 11189-11189 Ambulating is exhaustively partitioned into walking and running
(subclass Ambulating BodyMotion) Merge.kif 11186-11186 Ambulating is a subclass of body motion
(subclass Ambulating IntentionalProcess) Merge.kif 11187-11187 Ambulating is a subclass of intentional process
(subclass Ambulating Translocation) Merge.kif 11188-11188 Ambulating is a subclass of translocation

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Running Ambulating) Merge.kif 11200-11200 Running is a subclass of ambulating
(subclass Walking Ambulating) Merge.kif 11195-11195 Walking is a subclass of ambulating
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Ambulating "走动") domainEnglishFormat.kif 7143-7143 Walking is a subclass of ambulating
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Ambulating "走動") domainEnglishFormat.kif 7142-7142 Walking is a subclass of ambulating
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Ambulating "ambulating") domainEnglishFormat.kif 7141-7141 Walking is a subclass of ambulating


        (instance ?A Ambulating)
        (subProcess ?S1 ?A)
        (instance ?S1 Stepping)
        (subProcess ?S2 ?A)
        (instance ?S2 Stepping)
        (equal ?S1START
                (WhenFn ?S1)))
        (equal ?S2START
                (WhenFn ?S2)))
                (before ?S1START ?S2START)
                (before ?S2START ?S1START))))
    (equal ?S1 ?S2))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 494-507
        (instance ?A Biped)
        (instance ?W Ambulating)
        (agent ?W ?A))
        (exists (?L1 ?L2)
                (instance ?L1 Leg)
                (instance ?L2 Leg)
                    (equal ?L1 ?L2))
                (part ?L1 ?A)
                (part ?L2 ?A)
                (instrument ?W ?L1)
                (instrument ?W ?L2))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4404-4420
        (instance ?AMBULATE Ambulating)
        (agent ?AMBULATE ?AGENT))
    (attribute ?AGENT Standing))
Merge.kif 18152-18156
        (instance ?AMBULATE Ambulating)
        (equal ?DURATION
            (WhenFn ?AMBULATE)))
    (exists (?STEP1 ?STEPN)
            (instance ?STEP1 Stepping)
            (instance ?STEPN Stepping)
            (subProcess ?STEP1 ?AMBULATE)
            (subProcess ?STEPN ?AMBULATE)
                (WhenFn ?STEP1) ?DURATION)
                (WhenFn ?STEPN) ?DURATION)
                (equal ?STEP1 ?STEPN)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 480-492
        (instance ?AMBULATE Ambulating)
        (instance ?STEP Stepping)
        (subProcess ?STEP ?AMBULATE)
        (agent ?AMBULATE ?AGENT))
    (agent ?STEP ?AGENT))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 509-515
        (instance ?AMBULATE Ambulating)
        (instance ?STEP Stepping)
        (subProcess ?STEP ?AMBULATE)
        (agent ?STEP ?AGENT))
    (agent ?AMBULATE ?AGENT))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 517-523


        (instance ?GRP MarchingBand)
        (instance ?MP MusicalPerformance)
        (agent ?MP ?GRP)
        (instance ?OD Outdoors)
        (eventLocated ?MP ?OD))
    (exists (?AMB)
            (instance ?AMB Ambulating)
            (subProcess ?AMB ?MP))))
Music.kif 986-996

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