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AirlineHub AirlineHub
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AirReconnaissance (air reconnaissance) agent (agent)
AirRoute (air route) agentName (agent name)
AirStream (air stream) agentOperatesInArea (agent operates in area)
AirTrafficControl (air traffic control) agreementAdoptionDate (agreement adoption date)
AirTransitway (air transitway) agreementClause (agreement clause)
AirTransportation (air transportation) agreementEffectiveDate (agreement effective date)
AirTransportationIndustry (air transportation industry) agreementEffectiveDuring (agreement effective during)
AirTransportationService (Air Transportation Service) agreementExpirationDate (expiration date)
AirTransportationSystem (AirTransportationSystem) agreementPeriod (agreement period)
Aircraft (aircraft) agreementRevisionDate (agreement revision date)
AircraftCarrier (aircraft carrier) agriculturalProductType (agricultural product type)
AircraftEngineAndEnginePartsManufacturing (aircraft engine and engine parts manufacturing) agriculturalProductTypeByRank (agricultural product type by rank)
AircraftManufacturing (aircraft manufacturing) aimOfOrganization (aim of organization)
Airline (Airline) airQualityIndex (airQualityIndex)
AirlineCodeMap (airline code map) airTemperature (air temperature)
AirlineHub airlineHub
Airplane (airplane) albumArtist (album artist)
AirplaneMode (Airplane mode) albumCoverImage (album cover)
Airport (airport) albumLength (album length)
AirportApron (airport apron) albumRelease (album release)
AirportByRunwaySurface (airport by runway surface) albumTrack (album track)
AirportClassification (airport classification) albumType (album type)
AirportOperations (airport operations) alias (alias)
AirportShuttleService (airport shuttle) allRoomsPhysicalAmenity (physical amenity in all rooms)
AirportStagingArea (airport staging area) allRoomsPolicy (room policy in all rooms)
AirportWithPavedRunway (airport with paved runway) allRoomsServiceAmenity (service amenity in all rooms)
AirportWithUnpavedRunway (airport with unpaved runway) allegiance (allegiance)
Airway (airway) allergic (allergic)
AjaccioFrance (ajaccio france) allied (allied)
AkaBeaLanguage (aka bea language) allowableValue (allowable value)
AkaBoLanguage (aka bo language) almaMater (Alma Mater)
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