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Sigma KEE - Aioli
Aioli(aioli)aioli, aioli_sauce, garlic_sauce

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Aioli EnglishLanguage "is a garlic mayonnaise. It is a traditional Provençal sauce made of garlic, olive oil, and (typically) egg. There are many variations, such as the addition of mustard or, in Catalonia, pears. It is usually served at room temperature.") Food.kif 2077-2081
(subclass Aioli Sauce) Food.kif 2076-2076 Aioli is a subclass of sauce

appearance as argument number 2

(ingredient Garlic Aioli) Food.kif 2082-2082 Garlic is an ingredient in aioli
(ingredient OliveOil Aioli) Food.kif 2083-2083 Olive oil is an ingredient in aioli
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Aioli "aioli") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64420-64420

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