ActivatingUIElement(activating UI element) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ActivatingUIElement EnglishLanguage "A UserSignifiedAction causing a program to make a UIElement the ``active'' element. Making an element active means that user can interact with it -- follow a link, select a menu option, drag the element on the screen, ``push'' a button, etc. The system may display the %&UIElement in a different manner signifying that it is selected.") | ComputerInput.kif 2263-2266 | |
(subclass ActivatingUIElement UserSignifiedAction) | ComputerInput.kif 2262-2262 | Activating UI element is a subclass of user signified action |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass JumpingToActivateUIElement ActivatingUIElement) | ComputerInput.kif 2290-2290 | Jumping to activate UI element is a subclass of activating UI element |
(subclass SelectingComputerSubmenu ActivatingUIElement) | ComputerInput.kif 2279-2279 | Selecting computer submenu is a subclass of activating UI element |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ActivatingUIElement "activating UI element") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64452-64452 | Selecting computer submenu is a subclass of activating UI element |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?ACT ActivatingUIElement) (patient ?ACT ?GUIE) (instance ?GUIE GUIElement)) (and (holdsDuring (EndFn ?ACT) (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_ActiveState)) (holdsDuring (BeginFn ?ACT) (not (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_ActiveState))))) |
ComputerInput.kif 2268-2277 |