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Sigma KEE - exhaustiveDecomposition

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation exhaustiveDecomposition ChineseLanguage "C ClassexhaustiveDecomposition 是C的一组子类别, 而C的每一个实例就是这个组内其中一个子类别的一个实例。按: 这并不一定是意会着这个组的单元都不相交 (可参考 partition - 一个 partition 是一个已列举尽 不相交的掏空成分。 ") chinese_format.kif 1511-1514
(documentation exhaustiveDecomposition EnglishLanguage "An exhaustiveDecomposition of a Class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every instance of C is an instance of one of the subclasses in the set. Note: this does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint (see partition - a partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition).") Merge.kif 552-556
(documentation exhaustiveDecomposition JapaneseLanguage "Class C の exhaustiveDecomposition は、Cのサブクラスのセットで、Cのすべてのインスタンスはセット内のサブクラスの1つのインスタンスである。 注:これは必ずしもセットの要素が互いに素であることを意味しているわけではない(partitionを参照 - a partition は互いに素な完全分解である)。") japanese_format.kif 76-79
(documentation exhaustiveDecomposition SpanishLanguage "Una exhaustiveDecomposition de una Class C es un conjunto de la subclase C de tal manera que cada instancia de C es una instancia de una de las subclases del conjunto. Nota: Eso no significa necesariamente que los elementos del conjunto son disjuntos. (Véase partition - una partition es una descomposición exhaustiva y disjunta).") spanish_format.kif 87-91
(domain exhaustiveDecomposition 1 Class) Merge.kif 548-548 Die Zahl 1 Argument von exhaustiveDecomposition ist ein fall von Class %n{nicht}
(domain exhaustiveDecomposition 2 Class) Merge.kif 549-549 Die Zahl 2 Argument von exhaustiveDecomposition ist ein fall von Class %n{nicht}
(instance exhaustiveDecomposition Predicate) Merge.kif 546-546 exhaustiveDecomposition ist ein fall von Predicate %n{nicht}
(instance exhaustiveDecomposition VariableArityRelation) Merge.kif 547-547 exhaustiveDecomposition ist ein fall von VariableArityRelation %n{nicht}
(relatedInternalConcept exhaustiveDecomposition partition) Merge.kif 550-550 exhaustiveDecomposition ist innerlich verwandt mit partition %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition " %*{2-}[,] %n 涵盖 %1") chinese_format.kif 299-299
(format EnglishLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 is %n covered by %*{2-}[,]") english_format.kif 304-304
(format FrenchLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 est %n couvert par %*{2-}[,]") french_format.kif 172-172
(format ItalianLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 è %n coperto da %*{2-}[,]") relations-it.txt 101-101
(format JapaneseLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 は %*{2-}[,] によって covered され %n") japanese_format.kif 1992-1992
(format PortugueseLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 e' %n coberto por %*{2-}[,]") portuguese_format.kif 124-124
(format cz exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} covered by %*{2-}[,]") relations-cz.txt 185-185
(format de exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 wird mit %*{2-}[,] %n{nicht} behandelt") relations-de.txt 389-389
(format hi exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 %*{2-}[,] se aachchhaadita %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 141-141
(format ro exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 %n{nu} este covered%t{acoperit} de %*{2-}[,]") relations-ro.kif 192-192
(format sv exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 är %n{inte} täckt av %*{2-}[,]") relations-sv.txt 179-179
(format tg exhaustiveDecomposition "%1 %n ay takpan ng %*{2-}[,]") relations-tg.txt 214-214
(relatedInternalConcept disjointDecomposition exhaustiveDecomposition) Merge.kif 568-568 disjunkteAufspaltung ist innerlich verwandt mit exhaustiveDecomposition %n{nicht}
(termFormat ChineseLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "彻底分解") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22774-22774
(termFormat ChineseLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "彻底的分拆") chinese_format.kif 300-300
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "徹底分解") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22773-22773
(termFormat EnglishLanguage exhaustiveDecomposition "exhaustive decomposition") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22772-22772


        (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)
        (disjointDecomposition @ROW))
    (partition @ROW))
Merge.kif 596-600
  • Wenn @ROW wird mit @ROW behandelt und @ROW wird zusammenhanglos auf @ROW disjunkt,
  • dann @ROW wird vollstaendig in @ROW verteilt
    (exhaustiveDecomposition ?CLASS @ROW)
    (forall (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ ?CLASS)
            (exists (?ITEM)
                    (inList ?ITEM
                        (ListFn @ROW))
                    (instance ?OBJ ?ITEM))))))
Merge.kif 2941-2949
    (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)
        (inList ?ELEMENT
            (ListFn @ROW))
        (instance ?ELEMENT Class)))
Merge.kif 558-562


    (partition @ROW)
        (exhaustiveDecomposition @ROW)
        (disjointDecomposition @ROW)))
Merge.kif 590-594
  • Wenn @ROW wird vollstaendig in @ROW verteilt,
  • dann @ROW wird mit @ROW behandelt und @ROW wird zusammenhanglos auf @ROW disjunkt

appearance as argument number 0

(exhaustiveDecomposition UniformResourceIdentifier UniformResourceLocator UniformResourceName) QoSontology.kif 1675-1675 UniformResourceIdentifier wird mit UniformResourceLocator und UniformResourceName behandelt
(exhaustiveDecomposition VacciniaVirion IntracellularMatureVirionVaccinia IntracellularEnvelopedVirionVaccinia ExtracellularEnvelopedVirionVaccinia ProgenyVacciniaVirusImmature) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 194-194 VacciniaVirion wird mit IntracellularMatureVirionVaccinia, IntracellularEnvelopedVirionVaccinia, ExtracellularEnvelopedVirionVaccinia, und ProgenyVacciniaVirusImmature behandelt

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