MeasureFn |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation MeasureFn ChineseLanguage "这个 BinaryFunction 把一个 RealNumber 和一个 UnitOfMeasure 联系成这个 Number 的单位。 这是用来表达 PhysicalQuantity 的某种分量的实例。 例如:三米可以这样来表示 (MeasureFn 3Meter)。") | chinese_format.kif 2434-2436 | |
(documentation MeasureFn EnglishLanguage "This BinaryFunction maps a RealNumber and a UnitOfMeasure to that Number of units. It is used to express `measured' instances of PhysicalQuantity. Example: the concept of three meters is represented as (MeasureFn 3 Meter).") | Merge.kif 6353-6357 | |
(documentation MeasureFn JapaneseLanguage "この BinaryFunction は、RealNumber と UnitOfMeasure をその Number 単位にマップする。 これは、PhysicalQuantity の「測定された」 インスタンスを表すために使用される。例: 3メートルの概念は(MeasureFn 3 Meter) として表され る。") | japanese_format.kif 1125-1128 | |
(domain MeasureFn 1 RealNumber) | Merge.kif 6349-6349 | Die Zahl 1 Argument von MeasureFn ist ein fall von RealNumber %n{nicht} |
(domain MeasureFn 2 UnitOfMeasure) | Merge.kif 6350-6350 | Die Zahl 2 Argument von MeasureFn ist ein fall von UnitOfMeasure %n{nicht} |
(instance MeasureFn BinaryFunction) | Merge.kif 6347-6347 | MeasureFn ist ein fall von BinaryFunction %n{nicht} |
(instance MeasureFn TotalValuedRelation) | Merge.kif 6348-6348 | MeasureFn ist ein fall von TotalValuedRelation %n{nicht} |
(range MeasureFn PhysicalQuantity) | Merge.kif 6351-6351 | bildbereich von MeasureFn ist ein fall von PhysicalQuantity {nicht} |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format ChineseLanguage MeasureFn "%1 %2") | chinese_format.kif 633-633 | |
(format EnglishLanguage MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | english_format.kif 636-636 | |
(format FrenchLanguage MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | french_format.kif 383-383 | |
(format ItalianLanguage MeasureFn "%1 %2(s") | relations-it.txt 178-178 | |
(format JapaneseLanguage MeasureFn "%1 の %2(s)") | japanese_format.kif 2113-2113 | |
(format PortugueseLanguage MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | portuguese_format.kif 335-335 | |
(format cz MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | relations-cz.txt 392-392 | |
(format de MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | relations-de.txt 829-829 | |
(format hi MeasureFn "%1 %2(") | relations-hindi.txt 216-216 | |
(format ro MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | relations-ro.kif 405-405 | |
(format sv MeasureFn "%1 %2(s)") | relations-sv.txt 426-426 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MeasureFn "测量") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 36671-36671 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MeasureFn "计量函数") | chinese_format.kif 634-634 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MeasureFn "測量") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 36670-36670 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MeasureFn "measure") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 36669-36669 | |
(termFormat tg MeasureFn "tungkulin ng sukatan") | relations-tg.txt 353-353 |
antecedent |
consequent |
(<=> (and (instance ?X Region) (holdsDuring ?T (property ?X StandardAmbientTemperaturePressure))) (holdsDuring ?T (and (airTemperature ?X (MeasureFn 298.15 KelvinDegree)) (barometricPressure ?X (MeasureFn 29.530 InchMercury))))) |
Weather.kif 2663-2673 | Entity ist ein fall von Region %n{nicht} und ** Entity hat ein attribut StandardAmbientTemperaturePressure %n{nicht} haelt waehrend TimePosition %n{nicht} genau dann wenn airTemperature ** Entity and 298.15 KelvinDegree(s) und barometricPressure ** Entity and 29.530 InchMercury(s) haelt waehrend ** TimePosition %n{nicht} |
(<=> (and (instance ?Y (YearFn ?YEAR)) (equal (MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?Y) ?REALNUMBER)) (exists (?LIST ?COUNT ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL ?DEATH) (and (instance ?LIST List) (instance (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT) (forall (?LISTITEM) (=> (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST) (and (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (exists (?NUMBER) (and (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST))))) (equal ?COUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE (and (instance ?BIRTH Birth) (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL) (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human) (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Male) (during (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?Y) (equal (WhereFn ?BIRTH (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA) (instance ?DEATH Death) (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?DEATH) (age ?INDIVIDUAL (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration)))))))))) (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER)))) |
People.kif 357-390 | Year ist ein fall von das jahr ** YearEAR %n{nicht} und MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn GeopoliticalArea and ** Year ist gleich RealNumber %n{nicht} genau dann wenn es gibt List, ** Integer,, , SymbolicString,, , entity,, , ** entity, and und ** entity um ** List ist ein fall von List %n{nicht} und Laenge von ** List ist ein fall von ** ** Integer %n{nicht} und fuer alle ** ListITEM
(<=> (and (instance ?YEAR (YearFn ?Y)) (equal (DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER)) (and (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?BIRTH (and (instance ?BIRTH Birth) (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT) (instance ?INFANT Human) (during (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR) (equal (WhereFn ?BIRTH (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA))))) (equal (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT 1000) ?THOUSANDSOFBIRTHS) (equal ?INFANTDEATHCOUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?DEATH (and (instance ?DEATH Death) (experiencer ?DEATH ?INFANT) (instance ?INFANT Human) (age ?INFANT (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration)) (lessThan ?AGE 1) (during (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR) (equal (WhereFn ?DEATH (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA))))) (equal (DivisionFn ?INFANTDEATHCOUNT ?THOUSANDSOFBIRTHS) ?REALNUMBER))) |
People.kif 238-264 | Year ist ein fall von das jahr Integer %n{nicht} und DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn GeopoliticalArea and ** Year ist gleich RealNumber %n{nicht} genau dann wenn ** Integer ist gleich die Zahl Faellen in die kategorie die SymbolicString beschreibt %n{nicht} und ** ** Integer und 1000 ist gleich ** RealNumber %n{nicht} und ** Integer ist gleich die Zahl Faellen in die kategorie die ** SymbolicString beschreibt %n{nicht} und ** ** Integer und ** ** RealNumber ist gleich ** RealNumber %n{nicht} |
(<=> (and (instance ?YEAR (YearFn ?Y)) (equal (FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER)) (exists (?LIST ?COUNT ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL ?DEATH) (and (instance ?LIST List) (instance (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT) (forall (?LISTITEM) (=> (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST) (and (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (exists (?NUMBER) (and (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST))))) (equal ?COUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE (and (instance ?BIRTH Birth) (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL) (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human) (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Female) (during (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR) (equal (WhereFn ?BIRTH (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA) (instance ?DEATH Death) (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?DEATH) (age ?INDIVIDUAL (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration)))))))))) (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER)))) |
People.kif 403-436 | Year ist ein fall von das jahr Integer %n{nicht} und FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn GeopoliticalArea and ** Year ist gleich RealNumber %n{nicht} genau dann wenn es gibt List, ** Integer,, , SymbolicString,, , entity,, , ** entity, and und ** entity um ** List ist ein fall von List %n{nicht} und Laenge von ** List ist ein fall von ** ** Integer %n{nicht} und fuer alle ** ListITEM
(<=> (and (instance ?YEAR (YearFn ?Y)) (equal (LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER)) (exists (?LIST ?COUNT ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL ?DEATH) (and (instance ?LIST List) (instance (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT) (forall (?LISTITEM) (=> (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST) (and (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (exists (?NUMBER) (and (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE) (not (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST))))) (equal ?COUNT (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE (and (instance ?BIRTH Birth) (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL) (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human) (during (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR) (equal (WhereFn ?BIRTH (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA) (instance ?DEATH Death) (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?DEATH) (age ?INDIVIDUAL (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration)))))))))) (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER)))) |
People.kif 310-342 | Year ist ein fall von das jahr Integer %n{nicht} und LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn GeopoliticalArea and ** Year ist gleich RealNumber %n{nicht} genau dann wenn es gibt List, ** Integer,, , SymbolicString,, , entity,, , ** entity, and und ** entity um ** List ist ein fall von List %n{nicht} und Laenge von ** List ist ein fall von ** ** Integer %n{nicht} und fuer alle ** ListITEM
(<=> (attribute ?WATER OpenSea) (exists (?LAND ?DIST) (and (instance ?WATER SaltWaterArea) (not (instance ?WATER LandlockedWater)) (distance ?LAND ?WATER (MeasureFn ?DIST NauticalMile)) (greaterThan ?DIST 5.0)))) |
Geography.kif 4711-4720 | OpenSea ist ein attribut von Object %n{nicht} genau dann wenn es gibt Physical und RealNumber um ** Object ist ein fall von SaltWaterArea %n{nicht} und ** Object ist ein fall von LandlockedWater nicht und der abstand zwischen ** Physical und ** Object ist ** RealNumber NauticalMile(s) und ** RealNumber ist groesserAls 5.0 %n{nicht} |
(<=> (compressionRatio ?E ?R) (and (minCylinderVolume ?E (MeasureFn ?MIN ?M)) (maxCylinderVolume ?E (MeasureFn ?MAX ?M)) (equal ?R (DivisionFn ?MIN ?MAX)))) |
Cars.kif 1911-1916 | compressionRatio Engine and RealNumber genau dann wenn minCylinderVolume ** Engine and ** RealNumber UnitOfMeasure(s) und maxCylinderVolume ** Engine and ** UnitOfMeasureAX ** UnitOfMeasure(s) und ** RealNumber ist gleich ** ** RealNumber und ** UnitOfMeasureAX %n{nicht} |
(<=> (equal ?SPEED (MeasureFn ?NUM MilesPerHour)) (equal ?SPEED (SpeedFn (MeasureFn ?NUM Mile) (MeasureFn 1 HourDuration)))) |
Weather.kif 1685-1691 | FunctionQuantity ist gleich RealNumber MilesPerHour(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn ** FunctionQuantity ist gleich ** RealNumber Mile(s) pro &2 %n{nicht} |
(<=> (larger ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) (forall (?QUANT1 ?QUANT2 ?UNIT) (=> (and (measure ?OBJ1 (MeasureFn ?QUANT1 ?UNIT)) (measure ?OBJ2 (MeasureFn ?QUANT2 ?UNIT)) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfLength)) (greaterThan ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2)))) |
Merge.kif 7794-7802 | Object ist groesser als ** Object genau dann wenn fuer alle RealNumber, ** RealNumber, and und UnitOfMeasure
(<=> (measure ?O (MeasureFn ?A MetricTon)) (measure ?O (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?A 2205.0) PoundMass))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13632-13638 | Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber MetricTon(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist ** RealNumber und 2205.0 PoundMass(s) %n{nicht} |
(<=> (measure ?OBJ (MeasureFn ?DEG AngularDegree)) (measure ?OBJ (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn 60.0 ?DEG) ArcMinute))) |
Geography.kif 378-380 | Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber AngularDegree(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist 60.0 und ** RealNumber ArcMinute(s) %n{nicht} |
(<=> (measure ?OBJ (MeasureFn ?DEG ArcMinute)) (measure ?OBJ (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn 60.0 ?DEG) ArcSecond))) |
Geography.kif 397-399 | Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber ArcMinute(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist 60.0 und ** RealNumber ArcSecond(s) %n{nicht} |
(<=> (measure ?OBJECT (MeasureFn ?NUMBER OunceMass)) (measure ?OBJECT (MeasureFn (DivisionFn ?NUMBER 16.0) PoundMass))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13353-13358 | Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber OunceMass(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist ** RealNumber und 16.0 PoundMass(s) %n{nicht} |
(<=> (sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod ?AREA ?SECTOR (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT ?CUNIT) ?PERIOD) (exists (?TIME) (and (instance ?TIME ?PERIOD) (holdsDuring ?TIME (sectorValueOfGDP ?AREA ?SECTOR (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT ?CUNIT)))))) |
Economy.kif 1129-1137 | sectorValueOfGDPInPeriod GeopoliticalArea, IndustryAttribute, RealNumber UnitOfMeasure(s) and ** TimeInterval genau dann wenn es gibt TimePosition um ** TimePosition ist ein fall von ** TimeInterval %n{nicht} und sectorValueOfGDP ** GeopoliticalArea, ** IndustryAttribute and ** RealNumber ** UnitOfMeasure(s) haelt waehrend ** TimePosition %n{nicht} |
(=> (and (amount ?S ?CO (MeasureFn ?N ?U)) (instance ?SI ?S) (measure ?SI (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U)) (part ?SI ?CO)) (exists (?L) (and (inList (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U) ?L) (equal ?L (AmountsFn ?S ?CO ?U)) (equal ?N (ListSumFn ?L))))) |
Merge.kif 7597-7612 |
(=> (and (arableLandArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?FRACTION ?UNIT)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.0) (totalArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT)) (instance ?TOTAL AreaMeasure) (equal ?AMOUNT (MultiplicationFn ?FRACTION ?TOTAL))) (arableLandArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT ?UNIT))) |
Geography.kif 2080-2090 |
(=> (and (arableLandArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?FRACTION ?UNIT)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.0) (totalArea ?REGION (MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT)) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea)) (exists (?ARABLE) (and (instance ?ARABLE ArableLand) (geographicSubregion ?ARABLE ?REGION) (measure ?ARABLE (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?FRACTION ?TOTAL) ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 2092-2106 |
(=> (and (attribute ?H Muslim) (equal (WealthFn ?H) ?W)) (modalAttribute (exists (?Z ?T ?U ?Y ?C) (and (instance ?Z Zakat) (instance ?Y Year) (during ?Y (WhenFn ?H)) (holdsDuring ?Y (attribute ?H FullyFormed)) (agent ?Z ?H) (patient ?Z ?T) (monetaryValue ?T (MeasureFn ?C ?U)) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (greaterThan ?C (MultiplicationFn ?W 0.025)))) Obligation)) |
ArabicCulture.kif 204-223 |
(=> (and (attribute ?P CollegeFreshman) (occupiesPosition ?H ?P ?ORG)) (exists (?T) (and (holdsDuring (MeasureFn ?T YearDuration) (student ?H ?ORG)) (lessThan ?T 1)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18755-18764 |
(=> (and (attribute ?P CollegeJunior) (occupiesPosition ?H ?P ?ORG)) (exists (?T) (and (holdsDuring (MeasureFn ?T YearDuration) (student ?H ?ORG)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 2) (lessThan ?T 3)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18770-18780 |
(=> (and (attribute ?P CollegeSenior) (occupiesPosition ?H ?P ?ORG)) (exists (?T) (and (holdsDuring (MeasureFn ?T YearDuration) (student ?H ?ORG)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 3) (lessThan ?T 4)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18786-18796 |
(=> (and (attribute ?P CollegeSophomore) (occupiesPosition ?H ?P ?ORG)) (exists (?T) (and (holdsDuring (MeasureFn ?T YearDuration) (student ?H ?ORG)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 1) (lessThan ?T 2)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18802-18812 |
(=> (and (attribute ?ROOM Oversized) (immediateInstance ?ROOM ?HOTELUNIT) (subclass ?HOTELUNIT HotelUnit)) (exists (?NORMAL ?AREA1 ?AREA2 ?U) (and (immediateInstance ?NORMAL ?HOTELUNIT) (instance ?U UnitOfArea) (measure ?NORMAL (MeasureFn ?AREA1 ?U)) (measure ?ROOM (MeasureFn ?AREA2 ?U)) (instance ?AREA1 AreaMeasure) (instance ?AREA2 AreaMeasure) (greaterThan ?AREA2 ?AREA1)))) |
Hotel.kif 1186-1201 |
(=> (and (citizen ?AGENT ?POLITY) (subProposition UniversalSuffrageLaw (RegionalLawFn ?POLITY))) (confersRight (forall (?VOTINGAGE ?AGE ?ELECTION) (=> (and (citizen ?AGENT ?POLITY) (suffrageAgeMinimum ?POLITY (MeasureFn ?VOTINGAGE YearDuration)) (age ?AGENT (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration)) (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?VOTINGAGE) (instance ?ELECTION (ElectionFn ?POLITY))) (exists (?VOTING) (and (instance ?VOTING (VotingFn ?ELECTION)) (agent ?VOTING ?AGENT))))) (RegionalLawFn ?POLITY) ?AGENT)) |
Government.kif 1096-1116 |
(=> (and (comparativeArea ?REGION1 ?RELATION ?FACTOR ?REGION2) (instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea) (measure ?REGION1 (MeasureFn ?NUM1 ?UNIT)) (measure ?REGION2 (MeasureFn ?NUM2 ?UNIT))) (?RELATION (MeasureFn ?NUM1 ?UNIT) (MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?FACTOR ?NUM2) ?UNIT))) |
Geography.kif 659-669 |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 | ||
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
statement |